بعض الناس مقدر لهم أن يعطوا حبًا أكثر مما سيحصلون عليه في المقابل ،
نشأت بخيبة أمل ، وهي تعتقد أن العالم سيكون عادلاً لها ،
إذا فعلت كل شيء "بشكل صحيح" ، فلن يعاملها العالم بشكل خاطئ....
Some people are destined to give more love than they will ever receive in return,
She grew up disillusioned, thinking that the world would be fair to her,
If she did everything 'right', the world would not treat her wrong.
Was that innocence?
Or was it foolish naivety?
Suffocated in this life,
Struggling to breathe.
Leaving her questioning herself,
Wondering why she was never enough,
Hardships wore her down,
Broke her apart,
She had to rebuild herself,
She had to take the broken pieces and fill them with love.
Remind herself The only One who will love all her flaws is The One whom calls
his creation 'My Beloved Servant,
Even on those days she feels forgotten and unloved,
His mercy reminds her she is whole, she is complete, she is loved.