توجد نسخة مختلفة منك في ذهن كل شخص يعرفك ،
لكن النسخة التي يعرفونها ، ما مدى قربها من الحقيقة؟
هل يعرفون أعماق ظلامك وألمك؟
A different version of you exists in the mind of every person who knows you,
But the version they know, how close is it to the truth?
Do they know the depths of your darkness and pain?
Do they know about the days that even getting out of bed is a strain?
They know parts of your truth,
They know you are loving and genuine,
They know you are caring and compassionate.
They know they matter to you,
Because no matter what you feel about yourself,
You value those around you.
You value those that choose to stay in your life,
So heres a thank you to those who have stayed even when you weren't at your best..
I hope we can make the journey in this dunya easier for each other.