تائهة في الظل ، ابتعدت ، أغلقت عقلياً على الألم ،
يختبئون تلك الأجنحة المكسورة ،
إنها الطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكنها من خلالها الاستمرار في الحركة ،
مواكبة الواجهة ،
Lost in the shadows, Stepped away, Mentally closing
herself off to the pain,Hiding away those broken wings,
It's the only way she can keep moving,
Keep up the facade,
That she's managed for so long,
So no-one takes the time to stop her,
To see through the windows of her soul,
How hard it is to hold it together when every part of her is breaking,
Silent screams threatening to rip through to the surface,
They say 'you're so strong,' but that's the only choice she has ever been given,
Being weak or fragile is a luxury she could not afford,
She's had to fight every day,
With each step forward she gets dragged backwards again,
Fight to heal, fight to survive, fight to live, Keeping a happy face when all she wants to do is break down, But she can't, She has to hold it together Because if she doesn't, who will?