أحيانًا يكون من الصعب ، مع العلم أنك فعلت كل ما في وسعك لتحقيق شيء ما ، لكي تدور حولك وتكسرك قطعة قطعة ، وتذوب قلبك وتشعل روحك النيران. هذه الدنيا هي المكان الأكثر رعبا ، حيث يتم معاملة أرواح الطيبين معاملة سيئة ،..."Sometimes its hard,
knowing you've done everything in your power to make something happen,
for it to tum around and break you piece by piece,
melting your heart and lighting your soul into flames.
This dunya,
is the scariest place to be,
where the souls of the good people are treated badly, and the souls of the bad,
are treated with love.
Its designed in such a way, to make you fall on your knees,
and reach your breaking point.
But what should give you hope, is Allah, when you put Allah first,
every pain will feel like a blessing,
and every hardship will remind you of how strong you really are.
Each and every one of us, will go through trials and tribulations.
but its how we deal with them.
Accept the fact, that Allah wants whats best for you, dont force things to happen, rather let your life flow like a river, and trust Allahs plan, because he is the best of planners, and we are merely a chapter in the story book.