يقول الناس أنك تحصل على ما تستحقه ،
لكني أسأل متى ستتحقق العدالة؟
لتلك القلوب النقية التي لا تريد إلا السعادة للجميع ،
People say you get what you deserve,
But I ask when will justice be served?
To those pure hearts that only want happiness for all,
Lying awake at night wondering why they had to fall,
Why they are always misunderstood,
Since the beginning, with everyone, tried as hard as they could,
Why are they manipulated and used,
Broken and bruised,
To love and protect them,
Imprisoned by their memories and thoughts,
By those who are supposed to stand with them, Surrendering my will to the Beloveds court,
Showing vulnerability and fragility to The One who knows all,
With trembling lips calling 'Ya Rabb' The One who answers every call.