يا لها من لعنة أن تشعر كثيرًا في هذا العالم ،
غضب ، استياء ، كل هذه المشاعر تدور ، أمشي وحيدًا على طريق محفوف بالأشواك والعقبات ، كل المعارك التي خاضتها ، لم أعد أشارك مخاوفي ، مع كل خسارة كان من الصعب تحملها ،...
What a curse it is to feel too much in this world,
Anger, Resentment, These feelings all swirled, Walking alone on a path that is fraught, Filled with thorns and obstacles, All the battles I've fought, I no longer share my fears, With each loss the harder it is to bear,
Each time something different,
Each time a new failure,
Each time lost to another,
Devoid of emotions, Feeling numb, Feeling empty,
This Dunya choking me, Shaytaan don't tempt me, Seeking ways to feel whole, Holding onto deen like holding onto hot coals, Healing is a journey, I'm empty no longer, Filling myself with love and healing, I'm coming back stronger, Living a life for myself, A life that is pleasing, Prostrating to my Rabb, The Only One I need, No longer yearning for pleasures on this dunya, I am yearning for
My soul feeling nourished, Filled with love for Deen,