يا الله ، في كل مرة تغرقني فيها أحزاني ، أعطني القوة لأتبعها بابتسامة. لا أحد يستطيع أن يساعدني سواك ، ولا يوجد كائن لديه القوة لمنحني السعادة غيرك. اشف قلبي..
"Ya Allah, for every time my sorrows drown me, give me the strength to follow it up with a smile. For no one can aid me but you, and no being has the power to grant me happiness except you. Heal my heart, so that this endless, numbing pain can come to a halt. Ya Rabb, forgive me for the days, where i ignored your signs, and paid more attention towards my desires. No human can turn a blind eye to my sins, but you were there for me when the world seemed so dark and cloudy. Oh my beloved lord, soften my heart, and let it be kind towards those who even wronged me, let my imaan stay strong like the bow which shoots the arrow, and let my love be soft, as the touch of a newborn child."