کچھ لوگ صرف ناقابل تلاقی ھوتے ھیں ،
وہ آپ کی زندگی میں آئے ہیں اور آپ
کے وجود پر نشان چھوڑ دیتے ہیں..."Some people are just irreplacable,
they come into your life and
leave their mark on your being.
No soul could dare reach the level of love you have for them,
you know they're gone,
but you still reserve that space in your heart for them.
The saddest thing,
is the people we hold so dearly,
are usually the ones we have to let go.
No matter how much it kills,
no matter how traumatising it is,
no matter how much sleepless nights you have,
they wont return,
and thats the saddest ending any soul would fear."