الغرق في الأمواج ،
عقلي يتراجع إلى كهوف مقفرة ، بالكاد أبقى رأسي فوق الماء.
متروك للذبح ،
لقد فقدت نفسي لبعض الوقت ،
Drowning in the waves,
My mind retreating to desolate caves, Barely keeping my head above water.
Abandoned, left for slaughter,
I lost myself for a while,
Masking my pain with a smile,
Swimming desperately trying to save what was Anger and heartache threatening to take over me, Wondering why I am constantly tested, Threatening my sanity, mind becomes infested, With thoughts becoming too much to bear, The curse of being one to show too much care, me,
Pushed beyond my limits, weighing me down heavy,
Looking for a way to finally be free,
Gasping for air, my lungs filling with poison,
The words come to mind 'with hardship comes ease,
I need to search deep in the depths to find my peace,
Giving up is a luxury I can no longer afford, I need to pray to The One who will listen, As-Salaam, the embodiment of peace,
most loving, My Lord.