مجبرة على التخلي عن أحلامي ،
من الحياة التي تخيلتها لنفسي ،
لو هزمتني الشجار ،
الروح محطمة في داخلي..
Forced to let go of my dreams,
Of the little life I had envisioned for myself,
Had the fight beaten out of me,
The spirit broken in me,
Left as a hollow shell, a puppet,
The spark, the flame, dimmed out,
No longer burning bright and fierce,
I reached into the darkness within,
Searching for a spark, a glimmer of hope, of anything,
For the light, Hope it will bring,
For my Lord never fails to pull me through,
He lifts me up, keeps me humble in truth,
The days I think I won't make it,
He shows me I will not be broken,
The days I think I am alone,
He shows me how much I've grown,
That he is with me, He has blessed me,
In ways I cannot begin to describe,
Now I can chase those dreams, Work hard and make them come true,
Nothing and no-one holding me back, Nows the time I get my life back on track.