معيبة بطبيعتها مثل الناس ،
في مرحلة ما علينا أن نحفر بعمق ونضع أنفسنا أولاً ،
تقودنا الطبيعة البشرية إلى جعل بقائنا على قيد الحياة قبل الآخرين ،..
Inherently flawed as people,
At some point we have to dig deep and put ourselves first,
Human nature leads us to pit our own survival before others,
Tap into the soul crushing pain,
Tap into that primal essence,
Scream through to the abyss,
Sharpen your sword, Forged in fire,
Fortify those castle walls,
Make the best you can from the hand you have been dealt,
For the strongest soldiers are tested with the toughest trials,
No sin is greater than the mercy of your Lord,
No forgiveness is too much for Him
For He is Al-Ghafoor
So wash away those sins in the remembrance of our Beloved.