أسأل الله دائما أن يفرحهم حتى لو كسرتك ... "
"What can i say, except this world was designed to rip your heart and burn it into ashes,
You may love a person today, but tomorrow they will go Your heart may cry, but none of that matters. All you can do is dua for them, no matter how hurt you are inside. You have to put your feelings aside and just wish that Allah grants them happiness even if you may not have any in return. When you've poured your heart to someone, when you gave it all you could, you just want whats best for them, even if
its not meant with
Allah can make them happy because of your duas, so always keep your heart clean.
Even if you give t e up, even if you feel as if you cant imagine a world without them, put that aside and pray for them. Allah knows whats in your heart, Allah knows your pain, Allah knows how your soul cries out for them. You can love that person so much that you would sacrifice anything for them, you'd die just to make them live Wallahi the most purest form of love isnt through materialistic objects, its through dua. So if someone exits your life, cry for them on the prayer mat, cry to Allah, so that he grants them eternal happiness
even if its not with you. Every tear goes a long way, each dua you make for them can save them from alot of discomfort.
The power of dua is such, that Allah accepts it within a blink of an eye.
I promise you, Allah sees how pure your love is for them, some people will always have a place in your heart, some
people will forever remain dear to you like no other, especially with someone you love. Allah knows it wasnt easy to let
go, but he knows youre strong enough to handle heartbreak and tribulations. Allah tests you so you may become
stronger and so your heart may become more soft and realise.
My advice, if you have to let go of someone you love, wallahi just pray for them, theres nothing we can do in our power
except wish good for them. Never stop remembering them, never stop crying for them, never stop praying tahajjud,
always ask Allah to give them a happy life, even if it breaks you..."