تشعر أنها تنزلق بعيدًا.مثل أمواج مد المحيط ،
تتحرك للأبد لكنها تبدو هادئة للغاية ،
هادئ جدا ، لا يزال ،
أشعر بكل شيء ، كل تموجات ، كل موجة ،
I feel it slipping away.
Like the waves from the tide of the ocean,
Forever moving yet looking so serene,
So calm, so still,
I feel it all, every ripple, every wave,
Trying to hold on but it slowly slips away,
Because in this dunya, nothing ever stays,
Happiness is a hopeful dream,
Her depths are too deep, too much for those who only want to tread in
shallow waters,
The only place to truly be fulfilled is the place we yearn to go,
Maybe one day,
Through the dua of a loved one,
A kind act, Or a good deed we have long forgotten,
We may be granted Jannah,
Maybe one day we will be free of the shackles of this dunya.