النور بداخلك مازال موجود
لا تزال مشرقة ،
في أعماق الظلام ،
عليك فقط الوصول إليه ،
المشي قليلا إلى الداخل ،...
The light within you is still there,
Still shining,
Deep in the depths of the darkness,
You just have to reach it,
Walk a little further inwards,
It will be hard at first, take it one step at a time,
With each step becoming faster, lighter, easier, Reach further, find the dimmed candle light within you,
Give life to it, remind yourself of who you are,
Turn that single flame from the candle,
Into a rip roaring fire within you,
Driving you further,
Chasing those dreams,
Finding your passion,
Connecting yourself with Deen,
All those parts of you that you blunted and dimmed down,
Now is the time to rediscover them,
Awaken from your slumber My Queen,
Now is the time to fight for your crown