أنا بحاجة إلى كل شيء للتوقف ،
فقط حتى ألحق ،
أحتاج أن أتنفس ،
أحتاج كل هذه المشاعر لأتوقف عن إغراقي ،
I need everything to stop,
Just until I catch up,
I need to breathe,
I need all these feelings to stop drowning me,
I need these tears to stop filling up my lungs like saltwater from the ocean.
I need them to stop suffocating me, choking me,
I need the corpses of those who have left to stop dragging me back into the pit of
I need to let go of those things that no longer serve me,
That hold me back from healing,
That's not the way I want to live,
That's not the way I want to love,
Past the edge of burnout,
I want a life thats free of shackles and chains,
A life where I can build dreams upon dreams,
Astounded by the beauty of simplicity,
Finding calm away from the chaos,
Replacing this tormenting ache with humility and gratitude,
Shifting my mindset, shifting my attitude.