Switched Personalities (Olive X Otto)

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Me: Hey, Olive, Otto.

Olive: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to come in until tomorrow.

Me: I wasn't, but you guys have a dare.

Olive: A dare? What do you mean?

Me: I asked people to give truth or dare questions for the agents or villains of Odd Squad.

Olive: What? Don't you think you should have asked us first? I'm not doing it.

Otto: Come on, Olive. It's a dare. We have to do it.

Olive: Fine. What's the dare?

Me: writercute77 dared you and Otto to act like Otis and Olympia for the day.

Olive: That shouldn't be too hard.

Oscar: Hey, guys. You haven't seen any centigurps around, have you?

Me: Did you lose centigurps again?

Oscar: Maybe. Ok, yes, but I only lost two.

Olive: Don't worry. We'll help you find them.

Otto: There's one right there!

(They start chasing after it and I follow. They manage to corner it.)

Olive: Let's catch it! I hate these things.

Me: Um...

Olive: I mean yay! These things are so cute! Now, let's get it in his cage.

Otto: There's another one right there!

(The centigurp passes the donut room as we are walking.)

Otto: Ooh, let's stop for donuts!

Me: Otis wouldn't stop in the middle of a case to eat donuts.

Otto: Yeah, but...

Olive: (sighs) It's ok! After we catch the centigurp we can eat donuts all day!

Otto: Fine.

Me: It's getting away!

Otto: Oh no!

Olive: (jumps for it) I got it! Um, wow, it's so fluffy. (says while making a disgusted face)

Oscar: (pops out of no where) Wowser! That was close! Thanks for your help.

Otto: No problem. Now, can we get donuts?

Olive: Sure, partner.

(We're sitting at Olive and Otto's desk as Otto shoves his mouth full of donuts.)

Otto: This was way harder than I thought it would be!

Me: Umm...

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This dare was requested by writercute77. Thank you so much!

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