Ballet and the Beast

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Me: Good morn...

Octavia: Morning, Oaklynn. Guess what happened to me?

Me: Wh...

Octavia: Never mind. I'll just tell you. I'm going to be in the ballet The Nutcracker at the town square! I'm
going to be dancing as Clara!

Me: Wow, congratulations! When is the ballet?

Octavia: That's the one problem. I'm terrible at dancing and the ballet is tonight.

Me: I'm sure you're not that bad. How about you show me?

Octavia: I'm not sure...

Me: Come on.

Octavia: Alright, I guess. (Starts the ballet music and begins to dance terribly.)

Me: Ok, stop. (Octavia stops the music and stares at me.) I mean, it's very...interesting.

Octavia: I told you it's terrible.

Me: It's not terrible. It's... Ok, fine. It's terrible. Don't worry, though. I'll find a way to help you before tonight.

Octavia: Thank you.

Me: (I take the tubes into town.) (I look around until I see a beautiful pair of pink ballet shoes in a store window.) (I decide to buy them for Octavia and then head back to Odd Squad Headquarters.)

Octavia: You're back.

Me: Yes, and I have a present for you. (I give her the ballet shoes.)

Octavia: You got me a pair of ballet shoes?

Me: I sure did. Ballet is easier to do when you have the right pair of shoes and I thought that they might give you more confidence.

Octavia: I love them! I'll try them on right now. (She tries the shoes on and her eyes glow a bright yellow.)

Me: Octavia, are you ok?

Octavia: Of course. I have to go. I have to make the town and everyone in it dance.

Me: Wait, what?

Octavia: Gotta make the town dance. (She walks away.)

Me: (A ribbon falls to the floor that says: These shoes help you dance and then you help the rest. Tiny Dancer.) (I gasp in shock.) Ms. O, something terrible has happened and it's all my fault!

Ms. O: What happened?

Me: Octavia is supposed to dance in a ballet tonight, but she isn't that good so I bought her some ballet shoes. I think the ballet shoes were made by Tiny Dancer and have hypnotized Octavia into working for her.

Ms. O: That's bad. I'll send some agents to help you. Oscar, Oren, Dr. O, Orchid, Ohana, and Owen, in my office. Now!

Time skip- Twenty minutes

Oscar: Where is she?

Orchid: There she is! (Points to two people in the distance.)

Dr. O: Who is the other person with her?

Ohana: Tiny Dancer.

Me: Let's get her!

Owen: Wait, we shouldn't...

Me: Charge!

Octavia: (Uses a wand to shoot a beam of light at us.)

Me: Whoa!

Orchid: (She gets hit with the beam and starts dancing.) I can't stop. You'll pay for this Sherman!

Tiny Dancer: Ha! You used my ballet shoes and now your friend is my slave.

Dr. O: Don't worry. I got this. Let her go, Tiny Dancer.

Tiny Dancer: Why should I?

Dr. O: Because I'm a doctor.

Octavia: I happen to eat a lot of apples. (Shoots her with the ray.)

Dr. O: Um, guys? A little help?

Tiny Dancer: I'm afraid they're too busy dancing to be of any help. (Shoots Oscar, Oren, Ohana, and Owen.)

Me: (I roll out of the way right before it hits me.)

Oren: I hate dancing. Why is this what we have to endure in order to stop them?

Me: (I suddenly get an idea.) (Tiny Dancer shoots the ray again and I start dancing.) (I dance closer and closer to Octavia.)

Tiny Dancer: I win! Now we will work together to make everyone dance forever!

Me: I don't think so. (I kick Tiny Dancer's wand, trip Octavia, and yank off the ballet shoes.) (The others stop dancing, Octavia breaks out of the hypnotism, and she uses her wand to make Tiny Dancer dance.)

Tiny Dancer: What, no! How did you do that? You were forced to dance.

Me: Actually I wasn't. I never actually got hit with the beam. I just pretended to because I knew that it was the only way to get close enough to stop you.

Tiny Dancer: Drat! I'll get you next time! (She dances away.)

Octavia: Thank you.

Me: No problem, but shouldn't you get ready for your performance.

Octavia: Oh, yeah.

Time skip- Later that night

Octavia: (She's dancing as the town watches.)

Oren: She's terrible.

Orchid: Tell us something we don't know, Sherman!

Dr. O: I don't think there is any medical cure that can help her.

Me: She might not be the best dancer, but at least she's in control of her own brain.

Ms. O: I agree with that.

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!! I hope all of you have a fantastic day. Thank you Blehfan105 for this amazing dare! It was extremely fun to write. 🎄⭐️⛄️❄️

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