Past Kisses and Broken Relationships

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Me: Hey, guys! We got a dare!

Ohana: It's for me. I can feel it!

Otto: No way! It's for me!

Me: It actually is for Ohana.

Ohana: *smiles* I told you.

Me: Blehfan105 wants you to tell us about your kiss with Obbs and how you fell in love with Owen.

Ohana: *immediately frowns* I can't do that!

Me: You have to. It's the dare.

Ohana: *sighs* Fine. It all started when...


Obbs: You're so pretty, Ohana.

Ohana: Th... Thank you.

Obbs: Of course. So, I was thinking that you could be my assistant.

Ohana: Your assistant?

Obbs: Yeah, so you can stay here with me. *leaning forward*

Ohana: Um... I... I think I would like that. *also leaning forward*

Obbs: Good. *Their lips connect.*

Ohana: *banging sounds* What was that?

Obbs: What was what?

Ohana: *more banging* That!

Obbs: *sighs* I might have mind controlled all of the Odd Squad Agents.

Ohana: How could you?! Wait... Does that mean that you were just using me?

Obbs: *pauses* Yup.

Ohana: Wow, Obbs! Wow! I can't believe you did that to me! I'm leaving!

Obbs: But...

Ohana: I will never be your assistant! *leaves*

End of flashback

Olive: That's terrible!

Ms. O: That's why he's no longer the president of Odd Squad.

Oscar: *cries* That's so sad! Bring it in! *hugs Ohana*

Ohana: Thank you.

Me: So, what about Owen?

Ohana: Well, believe it or not, I actually hated Owen when we first met.


Owen: That's my food!

Ohana: No, this is my food!

Owen: It has my name on it.

Ohana: *sees the name* Whoops.

Owen: Argh!

A few months later (Still the flashback)

Ohana: We're not going to be able to stop her!

Owen: We can, but we have to work together.

Ohana: Alright, let's do this!

Owen: *throws Ohana*

Ohana: Ahh! *crashes into the villain* We did it!

Owen: *runs up to her* We sure did. *They kiss.*

End of flashback

Ohana: And that's how our relationship started!

Owen: *walks in* Yup, and we're still going strong today.

Everyone: *starts chanting* Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

Ohana: *smiles*

Owen: *smiles and kisses Ohana*

Everyone: Awww!


I loved writing this so much! Thank you  Blehfan105 for the request!

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