An Odd Squad Sleeping Beauty (Part 3)

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Octavia: I can't believe it's been sixteen years and we haven't found a trace of her! Are you guys sure you checked everywhere?

Agents: (Used the animal-inator to turn themselves into different animals.)

Agent that's a pig: Yes, I'm sure. We searched the mountains, forests, houses, and all of the cradles.

Agents: Yep!

Octavia: Cradle? Hahaha.

Agent: Yep, cradles.

Octavia: Cradle? (Talks to the crow.) Did you hear that, my pet. All these years they've been looking for a baby.

Agents: (Happily nod.)

Octavia: Hahaha. Fools! Idiots! Imbeciles! (Uses the lightening-inator to shoot lightening next to the animals.) Oh, they're hopeless. A disgrace to the forces of evil.
(Starts talking to the crow again.) My pet. You are my last hope. Circle far and wide. Search for a maid of sixteen, with hair of sunshine gold and lips red as the rose. Go, and do not fail me. (Crow flies away.)

Otis, Oona, and Osmerelda: (Argue about Aurora's dress.)

Osmerelda: Yes, but how are we going to get her out of the house?

Otis: I'll think of something.

Ohana: Well, and what are you three dears up to?

Osmerelda: Up to?

Oona: Up to?

Otis: Up to? Well, well, we...

Osmerelda: We want you to pick some berries.

Ohana: Berries? (Gets pushed into a different room.)

Otis: Now, don't hurry back, dear.

Osmerelda: But don't go too far.

Otis: And don't speak to strangers.

Oona: Goodbye dear.

Osmerelda: Goodbye.

Otis: Goodbye.

Ohana:  Goodbye.

Osmerelda: I wonder if she suspects.

Otis: Of course not. Come on.

Osmerelda: I'll get the wands.

Otis: Yes, you can, uh...the wands? No magic!

Osmerelda: But the sixteen years are almost over.

Otis: We're taking no chances.

Osmerelda: But I've never baked a fancy cake. (Starts freaking out and running in circles.)

Otis: Oh, you won't have to.

Oona: I'm going to bake the cake.

Osmerelda: You?

Oona: I've actually always wanted to make a cake and thanks to this play I can. This was a great idea! I'm going to make it fifteen layers with pink and blue forget-me-nots.

Otis: And I'm making the dress.

Osmerelda: But you can't sew, and she's never cooked.

Otis: It's simple. All you do is follow the book.

Otis: Up here. You can be the dummy. (Starts wrapping Osmerelda in fabric and wraps a bow tightly around her.)

Oona: (Makes a bunch of dough and then crushes two eggs inside the dough.) I think I did something wrong.

Osmerelda: (Looks at dress.) It looks awful.

Otis: That's because it's on you.

Osmerelda: (Starts to cry.) I can't believe she's going to have to leave us soon.

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