Hidden Feelings (Oona X Otis)

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Me: Good morning, guys!

Olympia: Morning!

Otis: Morning, Oaklynn. (Oaklynn is my agent name.)

Oona: Hey, there. What are we doing today?

Me: I thought we could play truth or dare today.

Olive: That sounds fun.

Otto: Yeah, let's do it.

Oscar: I'm in.

Dr. O: (Randomly pops up from nowhere.) I want in.

Ms. O: So do I.

Me: Ok, now that everyone's here let's start the game. Oscar, you can go first. Truth or dare?

Oscar: Let's do truth.

Me: Ok, what's the most dangerous gadget you've ever invented?

Oscar: That's hard, but if I have to choose one I'd probably go with the black hole-inator. They can suck anything into them. Including the whole Odd Squad Headquarters.

Me: Ok...

Oscar: Hmm, Otis. Truth or dare?

Otis: I'm going to go with dare.

Oscar: How about you hip hop to one of your favorite songs right now?

Otis: Alright, fine. I guess that's not so bad. (Puts on Take Away Four by Soundcheck and busts some amazing moves.) Ok, Olympia. Truth or dare?

Olympia: Truth.

Otis: What's your favorite food?

Olympia: What? How am I supposed to answer that? Did you have to give me such a hard one?

Otis: It's not hard.

Olympia: Yes, it is. There are so many foods. How am I supposed to choose just one? I love pizza, tacos, ice cream, chicken, pasta, gum...Wait, does gum even count as a food? I mean you do put it in your mouth, but you don't swallow it so...

Otis: Olympia!

Olympia: Right, sorry. Oona, truth or dare?

Oona: Ooh, dare.

Olympia: I dare you to kiss your crush on the cheek.

Oona: W...wait, what?! I'm not doing that!

Olympia: You have to. It's your dare.

Oona: Fine. (Slowly scoots closer to Otis, pecks him on the cheek, and then starts to run away.)

Otis: Oona, wait! (Runs after her and grabs her gently by the wrist.)

Oona: Look, I'm so sorry for kissing you. I wouldn't have, but it was the dare. Anyway can we...

Otis: I like you, too.

Oona: Wait, you do?

Otis: Yes, I've liked you for a while, but I was too afraid to say anything.

Oona: Wow, really? I mean, cool. Now, can we go back to the game?

Otis: Sure. (Gives Oona a kiss on the cheek.)

Everyone: Awww!

Thank you so much for this dare Blehfan105 and I hope it's what you wanted!

Odd Squad: Truth or Dare (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now