The Magic Marshmallows

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Me: Hey, guys. I'm back, and I have a great idea. We should all go and get ice cream.

Olympia: That sounds amazing!!

Otto: Yeah, let's go right now.

Olive: Hold on, partner. We have to make sure it's alright with Ms. O.

Ms. O: (She randomly pops up out of nowhere.) It's fine with me. I love ice cream.

Olympia: Great, let's go!

Otis: I guess it'll be fun.

Octavia: You're getting ice cream? Can I come?

Me: Of course you can. Everyone can.

Everyone: Yeah!

Time skip: At the ice cream cart

Olive: I'm getting chocolate. What are you getting, Oaklynn?

Jamie Jam: She's getting nothing. None of you are.

Fladam: That's right. Today is the day that we stop Odd Squad once and for all.

Me: Never! (I turn around and see Ms. O throwing marshmallows into the air.)

Ms. O: Take these! (I grab the red balloon, Octavia grabs the heart, Owen gets the shooting stars, Orchid takes the horseshoe, Oscar gets the clover, Dr. O receives the blue moon, Oren grabs the hourglass, and Ohana gets the rainbow.)

Me: Take this, Jamie Jam! (I use the red balloon marshmallow to float above her head.) Ha! (I jump down onto her.)

Jamie Jam: No! Get off!

Octavia: (She uses the heart marshmallow to bring a lamppost to life. The lamppost wraps around Fladam.)

Fladam: No, no, no, no, no.

Octavia: (She takes Fladam's glasses.) I win.

Owen: Let's do this! (He takes the shooting stars and uses them to fly high into the sky while holding onto his villain.)

Even Steven: No, put me down!

Owen: I don't think so.

Kooky Clown: Hahahaha!

Orchid: (She uses her marshmallow to super speed herself over to a restaurant, where she grabs a churro. She then super speeds back and wraps the churro around Kooky Clown.)

Kooky Clown: (She frowns and puts her arms down in disappointment.)

Tiny Dancer: The others might have failed, but I won't! (She tries to hit Oscar with a beam that makes things dance.)

Oscar: Ha! You can't hit me because my marshmallow gives me the power of luck!

Tiny Dancer: That's not fair! (She dances away.)

Noise Maker: (Music can be heard when he walks.) I'll stop Odd Squad.

Dr. O: I don't think so. (She turns invisible and runs around Noise Maker.)

Noise Maker: (He tries to follow Dr. O but ends up falling.) I think I broke my harmonica!

Dr. O: What's next?!

Oren: Finally, it's my turn!

Puppet Master: I will stop you. (She tries to turn him into a puppet.)

Oren: (He stops time and casually walks around the beam of the Puppet Master's gadget.) I'll take this! (He breaks the gadget, and then time speeds up again.)

Puppet Master: Nooo! My gadget!

The Shapeshifter: If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I'm a rocket! I'm a rocket! (She tries to hit Ohana.)

Ohana: (She opens up a portal, and The Shapeshifter goes through it.)

Ms. O: Where did you send her?

Ohana: Timbuktu.

Otto: Good one. You know what? These miraculous miracle marshmallows really came in handy. Can we eat them now?

Hey, guys! I'm back, and I'm sorry this chapter took so long to come out. I hope you guys enjoy it, and thank you so much to Blehfan105 for requesting it!

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