A Boyfriend for Oren

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Oren: I'm so bored! There's nothing exciting happening!

Me: You're not bored, you're lonely! You need to get a girlfriend.

Olympia: Or a boyfriend.

Me: Yeah, or one of those. Whatever makes you happy.

Oren: You guys really don't mind? I have something to tell you guys. I'm bisexual.

Me: Really? That's great!

Olympia: Yeah, I'm really happy for you!

Me: So, what do you think about my idea of getting you a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

Oren: I think I'd like a boyfriend. Are there any other bisexual or gay boys working at Odd Squad?

Olympia: Sure, there are plenty. Let's go ask around. I'm sure there are a ton of guys who would love to be your boyfriend.

Oren: Alright, sounds good. Where should we start?

Me and Olympia: Security.

Time skip- ten minutes

Owen: This is Orlando.

Orlando: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Oren: You too.

Orlando: So, what department of Odd Squad do you work in? How old are you? How long have you worked here? Do you like your job? Do you have any siblings?

Oren: Um, I just remembered that I... forgot to do something. Yeah, I have to go. *leaves*

Olympia: What's wrong?

Oren: I'm sure he's a great agent, but he's way too annoying. I wouldn't last a day with him as my boyfriend.

Me: Yeah, that's understandable. Let's try maintenance next. Oh, look, there's O'Malley!

Olympia: Hey, O'Malley, we're trying to get Oren a boyfriend. Do you know anyone who might be interested?

O'Malley: I think I might know just the guy. Follow me. *we follow* Let me introduce you to Onyxx. This is Oren, Onyxx. He's looking for a boyfriend.

Onyxx: You're quite handsome, Oren. I'll be your boyfriend.

Oren: Really?

Onyxx: Yeah, come on, let's kiss. *leans in*

Oren: What?! We just met. Never mind. I don't think this is going to work. Sorry. *leaves*

Me: I'm sorry he didn't work out, Oren.

Oren: It's fine, Oaklyyn. Maybe the right person for me just isn't at Odd Squad. Oof! *collides with another boy*

Osiris: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!

Oren: It's fine. No harm done.

Osiris: I'm Osiris. Who are you?

Oren: I'm Oren.

Time skip- three months

Oren: I have an announcement, guys. Osiris and I are officially dating.

Olympia: Ahh! I'm so happy for you!

Me: That's wonderful, Oren! I'm glad you finally have a boyfriend.

Oren: Me too. He's great, guys. Anyway, I have to go. I'm supposed to meet him in like five minutes. *leaves*

Olympia: *stares at Oaklynn*

Me: What?

Olympia: I told you they would get together, didn't I? *silence* Didn't I?

Me: *sighs* Yes, you did.

Olympia: I knew it! My sixth sense is always right!

Me: You don't have a sixth sense, Olympia.

Olympia: I do now!


I loved writing this chapter! I hope you all liked it as well. Thank you OswaldFan for the dare!

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