A Prank to... Not Remember

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Me: Hey, guys. I bet you're all wondering why you're here.

Oscar: Why are we here?

Me: Blehfan105 dared Ohana, Orchid, and you to prank everyone by swiching the real Octavia with her Octavia bot.

Orchid: That sounds fun. Let's do it!

Ohana: Where is the Octavia bot?

Me: It's right here. (I pull a sheet off of an item and reveal the Octavia bot.)

Orchid: I'll distract Octavia while you two go around Headquarters with the Octavia bot.

Ohana: Ok. (They take the Octavia bot to Oona's lab.)

Oona: Hey, guys. Hey, Octavia.

Octavia bot: ...

Oona: Octavia?

Octavia bot: Gadgets, gadgets, gadgets. (It takes the gadgets and smashes them.)

Oona: Ahh!

Ohana: Let's go.

Oscar: Yep. (They take the Octavia bot to the creature room.)

Ocean: What are you guys doing here?

Ohana: (Mischievously stares at Oscar.) We're just stopping by.

Ocean: Oh.

Octavia bot: (Stares at a creature.)

Ocean: That's a spider cat. Pretty cool, huh?

Octavia bot: Spider cat.

Ocean: Yep, spider cat.

Octavia bot: Spider cat, spider cat, spider cat. (Lets the spider cat out of the cage.)

Ocean: Wait! No, don't do...that. (The spider cat starts attacking him.)

Oscar and Ohana: (Stare at each other.) Let's go! (They take the Octavia bot to Dr. O's.)

With Orchid

Orchid: Hey, Sherman.

Octavia: Oh, hey, Orchid. What are you doing here?

Orchid: I wanted to ask what flavor of ice cream you like.

Octavia: Strawberry. Why?

Orchid: (Uses the ice cream-inator to dump strawberry ice cream on Octavia's head.)

Octavia: Hey! What was that for?

Orchid: Sorry, it slipped.

Octavia: Oh, it's ok. I'll clean myself up in Headquarters.

Orchid: No!

Octavia: (Looks at her weirdly.)

Orchid: I mean...ow! I think I hurt my ankle.

Octavia: Oh, are you alright?

Back with the others

Dr. O: Hello, everyone. What are you guys doing? Are you sick? Don't worry, I'm a doctor!

Oscar: What? No, we're not sick.

Dr. O: I meant her. (Points at the Octavia bot.)

Ohana: Haha. No, she's fine.

Dr. O: Oh, ok. (Awkward silence.) Are you sure you don't need a doctor?

Ohana: Nope, we're good. (More awkward silence.) Yeah, we're going to go now. (Slowly backs up and takes the Octavia bot to Ms. O's office.)

Ms. O: What are you guys doing here? I didn't call you.

Oscar: Uh, we just wanted to say hi.

Ms. O: Well, now you've said it. (Smiles sweetly.) Get out.

Ohana: (Looks over at the Octavia bot.) (She's looking at Ms. O's lunch.) Umm, Oscar? (Nods towards the Octavia bot.)

Oscar: No!

Ms. O: Excuse me?

Oscar: Oh, no. I didn't mean no to you.

Ms. O: Then what did you mean?

Oscar: I meant no to...

Octavia bot: Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti. (It flings her food everywhere.)

Oscar: ...

Ohana: ...

Ms. O: Get out!

Oscar: Yes, ma'am. (Grabs the Octavia bot and leaves.)

Ms. O: This is the last time I bring spaghetti for lunch.

Time skip- Twenty minutes

Real Octavia: (She's sitting doing paperwork.)

Oona: There you are!

Octavia: Oh, hey, guys.

Oona: Really? That's all you're going to say?!

Octavia: What are you guys talking about?

Oona: Like you don't know. You broke all my gadgets.

Ocean: And you let a spider cat run wild.

Ms. O: You owe me more spaghetti.

Dr. O: Are you sure you don't need a doctor?

Octavia: Umm...

Ohana, Oscar, and Orchid: (Stare at each other.)

Ohana: Actually that was us.

Ms. O: What do you mean that was you?

Oscar: That wasn't Octavia earlier. It was her Octavia bot.

Octavia: That's why you wouldn't let me go into Headquarters.

Orchid: Yeah, it was. Sorry, Sherman.

Octavia: It's ok. I forgive you.

Oona: Get them!

Oona, Ocean, Dr. O, and Ms. O: (Starts chasing them.)

Oscar: What are you doing?

Ms. O: Making you pay for what you did to us.

Orchid: But it wasn't our fault.

Ohana: Exactly. It was her fault! (She points to me.)

Me: (I casually lean against a desk.) I just gave you the dare. You guys are the ones who pulled it off.

Hey, guys. This chapter was fun to write and I enjoyed coming up with the pranks. Thank you for the dare, Blehfan105. Hope y'all have a great day/night.

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