A Super Christmas Sleepover

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Me : Hey, everyone! I have a new dare for all of you and I think this one is going to be super fun. Our good friend Blehfan105 dared us to have a sleepover tonight.

Oona: That does sound super fun, but you do realize it's Christmas tomorrow, right?

Me: Yep! That's what makes this dare more fun! We can have the sleepover in headquarters and then open our presents together tomorrow morning.

Olive: That sounds like a great idea.

Otto: It sure does. When do we begin?

Ms. O: I guess you can all leave to go get your stuff for the sleepover. I'll let you have the rest of the day off only because it's Christmas and I love sleepovers.

Otto: Really?! Thank you, Ms. O.

Time skip- Twenty minutes

Oscar: We're back.

Me: Great! Now we can start the dare. I think the boys and girls should decide where they're going to sleep.

Ocean: That sounds good.

Me: Yeah, but the girls call the pillow room! (All the girls race to the pillow room.)

Olympia: What do we do now?

Oona: How about a pillow fight? (We all stare at each other.)

Olive: Yeah, sure. (She hits Olympia with a pillow.)

Olympia: Oh, you are going down. (She tries to hit Olive, but she ducks and it hits Oona.) (Oona then hits me and I hit Orla.)

Orla: I don't usually engage in activities such as this, but you'll pay for that. (She hits me, Opal hits Olive in the face, and then Olive hits Ohana.) (This continues for half an hour before we all get tired out and plop onto the pillows.)

Orchid: Now what?

Me: How about we make brownies?

Everyone: Yeah!

With the boys

Ohlm: We should choose the banana room.

Otis: Why would we sleep in the banana room?

Ohlm: We're going to sleep in it? I thought we were looking for a snack.

Otto: I think we should choose the donut room. We can go to bed after we stuff our mouths full of donuts!

Oscar: No way! I have the perfect place. Follow me. (He leads them to his lab.)

Oswald: Why is your lab the perfect place, exactly?

Omar: Yeah, it doesn't seem like it is.

Oscar: It's the perfect place because I have a secret bed hidden in here. (Everyone stares at him.) I usually fall asleep in my lab while working late, ok?!

Otto: Alright, geez.

Oscar: We can also use some of the gadgets to play a prank on the girls.

Owen: Oh, that sounds fun!

Normal P.O.V

Oona: These brownies look great! Can you hand me the spatula?

Me: Sure. (I go to grab it, but I can't find it.) Where is it?

Oona: (Looks around.) There it is. Flying in midair. Wait, what? (All of the baking supplies suddenly start floating.)

The girls: Ahh!

The boys: Hahahaha!

Oscar: Relax, guys. It's just us.

Orchid: Oscar?

Oscar: Yeah, it's us. We got you good!

Opal: How did you...

Oscar: Invisible-inator.

Olive: Oh, of course.

Me: That was a great prank, but I think it's time to go to bed.

Orla: I agree.

Otto: Fine. Right after some donuts.

Hey, guys! This dare was very fun to write and I hope you liked it. I'm going to be doing more Christmas themed dares in the upcoming month to help get into the holiday spirit.

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