The Beginning of a Wonderful New Year

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Me: Happy New Year, guys!

Everyone: Happy New Year!

Todd: Hello. (He randomly appears through the doors.)

Me: What are you doing here?

Todd: I finished tending to my garden and decided to pay you guys a visit since it's New Year's Eve.

Me: Oh, ok. What are you guys doing for New Year's Eve?

Olive: We were thinking about going to the New Year's Eve ball drop ceremony.

Me: That sounds great!

Owen: Hey, um, Ohana?

Ohana: Yes?

Owen: I was wondering if you wanted to...maybe...possibly...go to the New Year's Ball with me?

Ohana: (Blushes a bright shade of pink.) I'd love to go.

Owen: Really?

Ohana: Of course.

Owen: (A wide smile spreads across his face.)

Me: (I glance at Todd and think to myself.) Hmm. (I slowly walk over to Todd.) Since you came all the way over to the Odd Squad Headquarters for New Year's Eve, would you by any chance want to go with me to the New Year's Ball?

Todd: You want me to go with you?

Me: If it's not too much trouble. I mean, you don't have t... (Todd cuts me off.)

Todd: I would be honored to take you.

Me: Great! Meet me back here at ten o'clock and wear a nice suit.

Todd: I'll wear my fanciest suit. Mwahahaha!

Me: (Sigh.)

Time skip- Ten o'clock pm
Owen: Wow, Ohana. You look lovely. (She is wearing a long black dress with a silver glittered hem.)

Ohana: Thank you.

Me: (I'm wearing a knee length dark blue dress with ruffles around the straps.) Where is Todd?

Todd: (He walks through the doors as soon as I finish talking.) Hello, everyone. Hello, Oaklynn.

Me: Hey, Todd. Glad you could make it. Let's get going. (We take the pipes and zip ourselves to New York.) (Soft music is playing and there is a giant crowd of people surrounding us.)

Todd: Care to dance?

Me: (I look down and blush.) Sure. (I take his hand in mine and he puts his other hand on my lower back as we start spinning.) (I look over to see Owen and Ohana also dancing.

Ohana: I'm so glad we came. The scenery here is amazing.

Owen: It sure is. (He stares at Ohana.)

Todd: I never told you how beautiful you look tonight.

Me: You don't look too bad yourself.

Todd: Was that supposed to be a compliment?

Me: I don't know. It's up to you.

Todd: Then I guess it was.

Me: (I laugh.) (Suddenly a person starts shouting the countdown and we join in along with the rest of the people.)

Everyone: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Happy New Year!

Thank you Blehfan105 for this amazing dare. Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you guys get everything you want in the new year. Also thank you guys so so so so much for getting this book to five hundred reads! ILYG so much! 🥳

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