A Short Reconciliation

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Me: Hey, everyone!

Olive: Oh, hi, Oaklynn. Back already?

Me: Yep!

Otto: Hey, Oaklynn. Whoa! You don't look too happy. What's wrong?

Me: It's just that I can't stop thinking about how mean we were to Shapeshifter.

Otto: What?! Oh, come on. She deserved it!

Me: I know she did, but we're supposed to be the good guys. I can't help but feel like we went a little too far.

Otto: I guess you're right. Maybe we can take her somewhere to make up for it.

Me: That's a good idea, but where can we take her?

Otto: Um, the beach? No... The park? Never mind. Hmm, what about the Odd Squad Space Station?

Olive: That's perfect! Let's grab Olympia and Otis before we find Shapeshifter.

Olympia: (She pops up out of nowhere.) Did you say my name?

Me: We did. We're taking Shapeshifter to the Odd Squad Space Station, and we were wondering if you would like to tag along with us.

Olympia: I don't know why we're taking Shapeshifter with us, but I love the Odd Squad Space Station, so I'm in!

Me: Great! (We find Otis before going into town to find Shapeshifter.) (We spot her sitting on a bench about to eat a slice of pizza.)

Me: Hey, Shapeshifter!

Shapeshifter: Odd Squad? What are you doing here? Have you come to ruin my lunch, too?

Olympia: What? No, of course not! We actually feel bad about what happened before, so we came to invite you to go with us to the Odd Squad Space Station.

Shapeshifter: Why would I do that?

Olympia: Because it's fun?

Shapeshifter: Fine, I'll go with you guys. (We use the tubes to take us to the Odd Squad Space Station.)

Me: So, what do you think, Shapeshifter?

Shapeshifter: I suppose it is rather nice. (She sees a drone.) I'm a drone! I'm a drone! (She transforms into a drone.)

Otis: Um, that's great and all, but we came here to look around, not to transform into various objects.

Olympia: Oh, come on, Otis! Let her have her fun.

Otis: Fine!

Olive: Ahh!

Me: What's wrong?

Olive: (She points to one of the glass cases, and I see a giant lemon meringue pie.) (The pie changes shape until Shapeshifter is standing in front of us.) Oh, come on! There aren't even pies in space stations!

Me: It's fine, Olive. I'm sure she was just playing around.

Olympia: Yeah, I'm sure she was just... Um, where did she go?

Otto: I don't know, but come take a look at this amazing model of a rocket! (We all look at the model of a white and black rocket.)

Me: That's really cool!

Otto: I know. I love the... (The model suddenly turns into Shapeshifter.)

Shapeshifter: Boo!

Everyone: Ahh!

Shapeshifter: Haha! That was hilarious! I suppose I should thank you guys for bringing me here.

Me: You're welcome.

Shapeshifter: Don't expect us to be friends though. I'll be back to causing oddness by tomorrow! I'm a rocket! I'm a rocket! (She flies away.)

Me: (I sigh.) Same old Shapeshifter.

Dare done! I'm so sorry it took so long to get this dare out! Thank you so much for making this dare, Wowpdddd!

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