An Odd Squad Sleeping Beauty (Part 2)

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Otis: Don't despair, Your Majesties. Merryweather still has her gift to give.

Agent: Then she can undo this fearful curse?

Osmerelda: What! There's no way I can undo this! I mean even if I had like ten gadgets I still couldn't... I mean, no, sire.

Otis: Maleficent's powers are far too great.

Oona: But she can certainly help.

Osmerelda: Wait, I can't...

Oona: Just try your best, dear. (Pushes her forward.)

Otis: That's right. Go on.

Osmerelda: Sweet princess, if through this wicked witch's trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee. Not in death, but just in sleep. The fateful prophecy you'll keep. And from this slumber you shall wake, when true love's kiss the spell shall break. (Dramatic music starts playing.)

Me: Thank you, Ohlm.

Ohlm: You're welcome. (Shuts off music.)

Agents: (Throw cardboard spindles into the furnace.)

Oona: Come have a cup of tea, Flora. I'm sure everything will work out somehow.

Osmerelda: Well, a bonfire won't stop Maleficent.

Otis: Of course not. But what will? (Takes a sip of the tea and then spits it out.) Sorry, I don't actually like tea.

Oona: Perhaps we can reason with her.

Otis: Reason?

Osmerelda: With Maleficent?

Oona: Oh, come on! She can't be all bad.

Otis: Um, yes she can.

Osmerelda: I'd like to turn her into a fat, old hoptoad.

Otis: We can't do that even if we wanted to.

Oona: That's because our magic only works for good.

Otis: There must be some way. (Thinks for a few seconds.)There is!

Oona and Osmerelda: There is?

Oona: What is it, Flora?

Otis: Not here. Even the walls have ears. Follow me. (Grabs the shrink-inator gadget, turns himself and the others tiny, and they walk into a mini model of a house.) I'll turn her into a flower.

Osmerelda: Maleficent?

Otis: No, of course not. The princess.

Oona: She'd make a lovely flower. (Laughs while thinking about it.)

Otis: Yes, I agree. And a flower can't prick its finger.

Osmerelda: A flower doesn't have fingers.

Otis: Exactly. It's perfect.

Osmerelda: Until Maleficent sends a frost.

Otis: Yes...oh. And she'll be expecting us to do something like that.

Osmerelda: Then what won't she expect?

Oona: Well, she doesn't know anything about love, kindness, or the joy of helping others.

Otis: That's it! Those are the only things she can't understand and won't expect from us. We'll have to plan it carefully, but it could work. The abandoned woodcutter's cottage could work. The king and queen will object, but we'll explain that it's the only way.

Osmerelda: Explain what, exactly?

Otis: Explain about the three peasants that raise a child deep in the forest.

Oona: That's very nice of them.

Osmerelda: Who are they?

Otis: Turn around. (Fauna and Merryweather turn around and see themselves in the mirror.) (They quickly run into another room and come back dressed as peasants.)

Oona:'s us. Wait! You want us to take care of the baby?

Otis: Why not?

Oona: I'd like that.

Osmerelda: Yes, but we'd have to feed it.

Oona: And wash it and dress it and rock it to sleep. I'd love it.

Osmerelda: Do you really think we can?

Otis: If humans can do it, so can we.

Osmerelda: And we'd have our magic to help us.

Otis: No magic. I'll take those wands. (Grabs Fauna's fake wand.) And we'd better get rid of those wings, too. (Grabs her cardboard wings and tosses them to the side.)

Osmerelda: You mean live like mortals? For sixteen years?

Otis: Yep. (Tries to grab Merryweather's wings.) (She rips Flora's wings off and then Flora grabs her wand.)

Otis: Now come along. We must tell Their Majesties at once. (Uses the regrow-inator gadget and jumps out of the mini house.)

Oona: Flora?

Osmerelda: Flora?

Otis: Oh, right. (Uses the regrow-inator on them so they can get out of the house and then they exit the room.)

Part two is finished! Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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