The Challenges of Hypnotism

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Me: Hey, guys. How are you doing today?

Olympia: We're doing well. Just finishing up some paperwork.

Octavia: Oh, you're here Oaklynn. I'm glad you're here because I have a surprise. I'm not Octavia.

Me: What do you mean you're not Octavia? Are you alright?

Octavia: I'm great! (She turns into Shapeshifter and zaps Olive and Otis with a gadget.) Ha! Now they're under my control and will bring oddness to your headquarters.

Me: We'll stop you!

Otto: Yeah, Olive would never cause oddness. (He looks over to see Olive turning the gum ball machine into a flying fish.) What are you doing, partner?

Olive: It's our job to cause oddness.

Otto: No, it isn't. It's our job to fix oddness. What's wrong with her?

Me: I think it's because of the gadget. Otis is also causing oddness. (I look over to see Otis turning the slide into spaghetti.)

Oscar: (He pops up from nowhere.) I have an idea. Follow my lead.

Olympia: Alright, let's do this. (We take off running down the hallway, and Shapeshifter follows us.)

Oscar: Everyone duck! (Everybody except Shapeshifter ducks down.)

Shapeshifter: Ahh! What is this?!

Oscar: That would be plastic wrap.

Shapeshifter: I can't move!

Oscar: That's the point.

Me: That was a smart idea, Oscar. (I take the gadget and break it.) Come on, guys. Let's see if it worked.

Olive: What happened?

Me: A gadget made you cause oddness, but we saved you.

Olive: Oh, well, thank you.

Otis: Um, guys? (I look over to see him stuck in a pile of spaghetti.) A little help here?

Dare done! Thank you Blehfan105 for the dare!

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