A Day Off

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Me: What are we doing today, Ms. O?

Ms. O: Nothing.

Me: Nothing? Surely there's something odd happening.

Ms. O: There's a lot of odd things happening.

Me: Then why aren't we out fixing them?

Ms. O: There are always odd things happening, but the carnival is only in town for today. Oh, by the way, I'm giving all of the agents the day off.

Me: Wow, you must be super ill if you're this delusional. *puts hand on her forehead*

Ms. O: Grrr! I'm not ill! If you would like to work today, though, I'm sure that could be arranged, too.

Me: Um, no, I'm good. I'm sure the others would love the day off. I'll go tell them. *Goes down the slide* Guys, we're going to the carnival!!

Olive: You do realize that we can't just leave, right? Ms. O will be furious at us.

Me: Actually, it was her idea.

Olive: Her fever must be really high.

Me: *laughs*

Time skip

Me: I think we should spit into teams so that we can go on different rides.

Otto: Great idea! My team should go to the food stands first.

Me: The whole point is to go on the rides, Otto. You can go to the food stands later. Okay, so there will be a Blue Team and a Pink Team. The Blue Team will be Oren, Octavia, Oscar, Dr. O, Ohana, and Owen. The Pink Team will be Olive, Otto, Olaf, Ori, Todd, and Orchid. I'll be my own team since I like the scarier rides. *They split into their groups.*

Octavia: Ooh, let's go, guys!

Ohana: Where should we go first?

Dr. O: How about we go on the bumper cars?

Everyone: Yes! *They go on the bumper cars.*

Oscar: I'm going to get you, Oren!

Oren: No, I'm going to get you! *The ride stops.* So, what did you think of the ride, Dr. O?

Dr. O: I quite enjoyed the ride. What's next?!

Ohana: Let's go on the big rollercoaster next!

Oscar: Oh, yeah!

Octavia: Umm...

Oren: Is there a problem, Octavia?

Octavia: Oh, um, no, of course not. *They wait in line until it's their turn to go on the ride.*

Oren: It's finally our turn. *Oscar and Dr. O sit next to each other, Ohana and Owen sit next to each other, and Octavia and Oren sit together.*

Octavia: *fidgeting with her hands*

Oren: What's wrong?

Octavia: Nothing! *looks at her lap*

Oren: Are you scared of the ride? It's okay if you are.

Octavia: Fine, I'm terrified of heights, okay?!

Oren: It's okay, Octavia. I'll be here the whole time, and you can even hold my hand.

Octavia: Really?

Oren: Of course! *She takes his hand right before the ride starts.*

Octavia: Ahh!

Oren: You've got this, Octavia. Just open your eyes.

Octavia: What?!

Oren: Do you trust me?

Octavia: Yes. *opens her eyes* Wow, this is amazing! *The ride eventually stops.*

Oren: See, I told you you could do it, Octavia.

Octavia: Thank you for helping me overcome my fear. *leans down and kisses him*

Oren: *blushes* Oh, uh, you're welcome, Octavia.

Time skip

Olive: That was amazing! My team got to go on the slingshot! It went so high up!

Me: I went on the ride that flips upside down! It was so awesome! What about you? What did you guys do? *looks at Oren and Octavia*

Oren and Octavia: *They look at each other and blush.*

Oren: Oh, nothing much.


I had so much fun writing this! Thank you so much OswaldFan for this dare! I hope it was to your liking!

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