Three New Agents

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Olivia: Hello, everyone!

Me: Hey, that's supposed to be my line!

Olivia: Oops, sorry.

Me: It's fine.

Olive: Hey, Oaklynn. *looks down to see a girl crawling across the floor* Hello there.

Odelia: Hi. Have you seen a blue caterpillar around here?

Olive: Uh, no.

Odelia: Okay.

Olive: Who exactly are these people, Oaklynn?

Me: Huh? Oh, they're the new agents.

Otis: I wasn't aware we were getting new agents.

Olive: Where did you come from?!

Otis: Oh, you know. I just... um... well... So, who are the new agents?

Me: This is Olivia, Odelia, and October.

Olivia: Hi.

October: Hey.

Odelia: *still on the floor* It's lovely to meet you guys.

Me: Well, we better go and get their badges. *Oaklynn, Olivia, Odelia, and October start to leave the room but not before something drops out of Olivia's pocket.*

Olive: Here you go. *hands fancy bracelet back to Olivia*

Olivia: Thanks. *leaves the room*

Ohana: *pops up out of nowhere* Don't you think it's strange?

Otis: What?

Ohana: That a ten year old has something as expensive as that bracelet.

Otis: How can you tell it's expensive?

Ohana: I can identify real gold, and that, my friend, is some of the realest gold I've ever seen.

Olive: I suppose that is a little suspicious.

Otis: Maybe it was a gift.

Ohana: *still suspicious* Maybe...


October: How did you just drop it?

Olivia: I don't know. It just slipped out of my pocket. I'm sorry.

October: It's alright, but now they're suspicious, so we'll have have to be extra careful.

Olivia: *She nods, and the three girls take out their tiaras and place them on their heads.* Don't worry. They won't find out.

Odelia: *sees a caterpillar on the ground and dives after it* Randy, I found you!

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