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Me: Hey, guys! Are you ready to go trick-or-treating?

Olive: Trick-or-treating? What are you talking about, Oaklynn? Halloween isn't until... (She glances at her calendar.) It's today! Today's Halloween!

Otto: How could we have forgotten... (Olive elbows him in the stomach.) Oof! I mean we obviously knew Halloween was today. We just have to change into our costumes.

Me: You guys totally forgot today was Halloween, and neither of you have costumes, right?

Otto: Yeah, we totally forgot.

Oscar: Don't fret. I've got it covered. (He pops up out of nowhere, pulls out the Costume-inator Gadget, and zaps everybody in the room with it.)

Time Skip
Me: Ring the doorbell.

Otis: Fine. (He rings the doorbell, and an old woman answers the door.)

Todd: Trick-or-treat!

Old Woman: Hello, children!

Olympia: Hi!!

Old Woman: Here you go. (She gives everyone a piece of candy.)

Me: Yes, I love Kit-Kats!

Dr. O: I'll ring the next house's doorbell. (She rings it, and a teenage boy opens the door.) Trick-or-treat!

Boy: Hello, everyone. Here's some candy. (He gives us a pile of candy.)

Dr. O: What's next?!

Time Skip
Otto: What's going on? (Odd Squad Headquarters is full of villains and Odd Squad Agents wearing costumes.)

Ms. O: It's a costume party! Odd Squad signed a treaty with the villains, so we can celebrate Halloween together.

Otto: Oh, sweet! (He walks over to the buffet table.) They even have fruit punch! By the way, what's your costume supposed to be, Dr. O?

Dr. O: I'm a doctor.

Otto: Yeah, I know you are, but what's your costume?

Dr. O: I just told you. I'm a doctor.

Otto: You're dressed as a doctor? That's a stupid costume.

Dr. O: It's better than a cowboy!

Otto: No way! Cowboys are awesome!

Orchid: Whatever, Sherman. Anyone with half a brain knows that witches are the best!

Ms. O: Enough! We'll just have a costume contest. Whoever wins the contest has the best costume.

Otto: That's a good idea. (He looks around the room to study his competitors. Olive is a member of the Bad Luck Bear's basketball team, Olympia's a 50's girl, Otis is a pirate, Ms. O is dressed as the Mad Hatter, Oscar looks like Luigi, Oona's outfit goes with Ms. O's outfit because she's dressed as Alice, Oren is wearing a Mr. O outfit, Olaf's a werewolf, Dr. O's obviously a doctor, Octavia is wearing a pink dress and looks like a princess, Ori's an astronaut, Orchid's a witch, Ohana's a ballerina, Owen's wearing a trench coat like a spy, Opal is dressed like Glinda, Oswald is the Tin Man, Omar's a scarecrow, Orla's a knight, Osmerelda is Loin, Little O is Dorothy, Oaklynn's a cat, and all of the villains are dressed as pumpkins.) I totally have this win in the bag.

Ms. O: (She finishes discussing the details of the contest with her associates.) The winner of the costume party is... me! Although Olaf wins second place.

Olaf: Aghhhhhrrrrr!

Otto: You have got to be kidding me!!

Thank you Blehfan105 for this amazing dare! This was so fun to write! Happy Halloween, everyone!!

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