Secrets Revealed

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Me: Hey, guys! I'm back with another amazing dare! You all have been dared to tell us your greatest secret.

Oren: What?! No way!

Me: It's a dare. You have to do it.

Owen: Oaklynn is right. It won't be that bad. I'll even go first. My secret is that I'm a singer.

Me: Really? Wow, that's awesome.

Octavia: Yeah, I'd love to hear you sing.

Owen: Maybe some other time.

Me: Sounds good. What about you, Octavia?

Octavia: Umm, I'm actually Dr. O's sister.

Oren: What?! How is it possible that I didn't know this?

Octavia: We've never told anybody. It just never came up. Anyway, what's your secret, Orchid.

Orchid: Well, remember how I'm a robot? (Everybody nods their head yes.) I actually have my own charging station.

Ohana: Oh, can we see it?

Orchid: I guess. (Orchid opens a closet that turns into a bigger room.) This is where I get my battery charged.

Me: This is so cool! Okay, you're up, Oscar.

Oscar: I have my own secret lair that I built myself.

Octavia: Can we see it?

Oscar: Of course. (He leads us to his lab, and the wall opens into a room.)

Ohana: This is awesome! I can't believe you built this room yourself.

Oscar: Yep! It took a lot of time... and bananas.

Dr. O: I'll go next to get this over with. I have a tiny crush on Otto.

Oren: What?! I can't wait to tell him!

Me: No, you won't. It isn't your secret to tell. Dr. O will tell him when she's ready.

Dr. O: Thank you. What's your secret, Oren?

Oren: Me?

Me: Yeah, it's your turn.

Oren: I guess I've always been a little jealous of Olive.

Ohana: I knew it! You don't hate her. You're jealous of her.

Oren: Okay, we all get it. Can we move on?

Ohana: My secret is that I'm a princess.

Orchid: You're a princess?

Ohana: Yes, but I left my kingdom because I didn't have any freedom. I'd much rather work at Odd Squad.

Octavia: Aww, that's sweet. So what's your secret, Oaklynn?

Me: What, me?

Dr. O: You are included in the dare.

Me: Fine. It's quite possible that I have a crush on Todd.

Oscar: What?! He's a villain!

Me: He's not a villain anymore. I think he's funny. (Everybody's staring at me weirdly.) Okay, moving on.

Dare done! Thank you so much for requesting this dare Blehfan105!

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