A Princess Party

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Me: Uhh! There's nothing to do!

Olive: I know. This is the one day that we have nothing to do!

Otto: We could go get some donuts.

Olympia: We should watch a Disney movie.

Orchid: No, we should play dress up.

Me: How about we do all three?

Olive: What do you mean?

Me: Since none of us have anything to do today, we should eat donuts, watch a Disney movie, and play dress up all at the same time.

Otis: I'm not so sure.

Me: Don't worry, it'll be fun. Okay, Otto will grab the donuts, Olympia can grab the movie, and Orchid will get the princess dresses. I'll get the room set up. Don't eat all the donuts before you get back here, Otto!

Otto: I won't! *runs off*

Otis: I'll tell the rest of the squad.

Time skip

Otto: I got chocolate frosted, strawberry frosted, vanilla frosted, glazed, jelly filled, and Boston cream.

Oscar: Ohh, those sound great! Let's dig in!

Orchid: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, Sherman. First, the girls are putting on a fashion show.

Oscar: I'm not sure...

Orchid: Sit down! *pushes him down*

Oscar: Ooh, okay!

Orchid: Come on out, Snow White!

October: Hello there everyone!

Otto: Why is your voice so squeaky?

October: This is how Snow White talks. Her voice is high-pitched. Almost like a squeaky mouse.

Orchid: Alright, thank you, Snow White. Next up is Cinderella!

Octavia: Hello, everyone! I'm Cinderella, and these are my mice friends. *places real mice on the floor*

Everyone: Ahh!

Me: Okay, everyone clear out!

Time Skip

Octavia: I'm sorry, guys. I thought I was supposed to bring real animals with me. I didn't mean to frighten all of you.

Otto: It's fine, Octavia. Maybe next time, though, just bring stuffed animals.

Octavia: Noted.

Me: Well, after that fiasco, I think we should do this a different way. I'll call out the name of the princess, and whoever is dressed up as them, will just walk out and give a quick greeting. Come on out, Aurora!

Ohana: Hello!

Otis: I'm not a big Disney person, but I'm pretty sure your dress isn't supposed to be purple.

Ohana: I know that, silly. Since the fairies in the movie could never decide on a blue or pink dress, I decided to mix the colors together and make it purple!

Otis: *awkward silence* Okay...

Me: Um, well, next up is Ariel!

Olly: Greetings, humans.

Olive: Um, why are you crawling?

Olly: Because I'm a mermaid. You do realize mermaids can't walk, right?

Everyone: *facepalms*

Olive: *whispers to Otto* She could have just dressed up as the human version of Ariel.

Me: Next I present you all with Belle!

Oona: Yep, Belle, that's me. I like to read.

Olympia: Why is your book missing pages?

Oona: Oh, uh, I needed them for a gadget earlier. Guess I should've grabbed another book for the fashion show.

Me: Anyway, let's move on! *finishes announcing the princesses and starts the contests*

Time Skip- After the contests

Me: Thank you to all of the princesses for participating in our contests. I will now list the winners. Osmerelda (Pocahontas) won first place in the meditation contest, Orla (Mulan) won the fighting contest, Olympia (Rapunzel) won the best wig contest, and Dr. O (Elsa) lasted the longest in the coldest room in Odd Squad. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Dr. O: That was fun. What's next?!

Me: I would also like to hand out awards for the best outfits. In first place we have Orchid (Jasmine) for her lovely turquoise dress. I love the glitter you added.

Orchid: Thank you, Sherman. I like it too.

Me: In second place we have Opal (Anna) for her wonderful shawl. It's very beautiful.

Opal: Thank you very much.

Me: Finally, in last place we have Ms. O (Tiana) for her beautiful green ball dress.

Ms. O: I still think I should have won first, but I suppose I'll except third.

Me: Thank you again to everyone who participated!*starts to walk away*

Polly Graph (Raya): Wait!

Me: Yes?

Polly Graph: Without you, none of this would have been possible.

Otis (Merida): That's why we want to give you this special award. *holds up a princess trophy*

Me: Thanks, guys. I don't know what to say.

Olivia (Mirabel): You deserve it. Everyone give it up for Oaklynn, the kindest princess I know!

Everyone: Oaklynn, Oaklynn, Oaklynn!

Me: Thank you so much. I had fun dressing up as  Moana, but you guys make me happy to just be me.

Everyone: Aww!

Me: So... who wants some donuts?


This was really fun to write! I'm sorry there's so many time skips. I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway. Thank you OswaldFan for this dare!

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