Beauty Pageant

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Olive: Have you seen Shapeshifter?

Me: What do you mean? I've been here behind this desk all day. I haven't had time to go outside, let alone see Shapeshifter.

Olive: No, I mean have you seen her in headquarters.

Me: No. Why would I see her in headquarters? Wait, is she in headquarters?!

Olive: No! Yes. Maybe. Alright, don't panic. She broke in, and now we can't find her.

Me: Isn't that her right there? *points to the woman standing near the stairs*

Olive: Oh! Yeah, it is. Odd Squad, Odd Squad, stop right there, Shapeshifter.

Shapeshifter: Wait, wait, wait. I'm not here to attack you guys. I need your help.

Olive: Our help? With what?

Shapeshifter: There's a beauty pageant in town, and my lifelong dream has always been to win one.

Olive: Let me get this straight. You want Odd Squad's help to win a beauty pageant?

Shapeshifter: That's right.

Olive: Why should we help you? All you ever do is cause oddness.

Shapeshifter: Agh, fine! If you help me win this beauty pageant, I won't cause oddness for three weeks... For one week.

Olive: Two weeks.

Shapeshifter: Deal. So, what do I need to do first?

Me: First, you need an outfit. I think there's a door with clothes behind it somewhere in headquarters. It will probably have something you can wear. *locates and checks the room* Here, try this on. *Holds up long red dress with glitter*

Shapeshifter: *goes into the room and tries dress on* I love it! It really brings out the color of my eyes.

Olive: *stares at her like she's crazy* I'm glad you like it. What's next, Oaklynn?

Me: Makeup, obviously. We should do red eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara. *pulls out makeup kit and creates makeup look*

Olive: You look great! You did an amazing job on the makeup, Oaklynn.

Me: Why thank you, Olive. The last thing you need to do is practice your walking and waving, Shapeshifter.

Shapeshifter: *walks through the hallway and waves elegantly* Like that?

Me: Perfect!

Time skip to the day of the pageant

(There will be two endings. One where Shapeshifter wins the pageant and one where she doesn't.)

Ending #1

Shapeshifter: *walks onstage looking stunning and walks and waves perfectly* *crowd erupts into cheering* Thank you, thank you. *walks off and allows the other five contests to go*

Woman: Thank you to everyone who participated in this beauty pageant. There sure are a lot of talented women in this town. All of you were simply spectacular, but one person stood out above the rest. That person is...

Me and Olive: *hold our breath*

Woman: ...Shapeshifter!

Crowd: Whoo!

Me and Olive: *smile at each other while Shapeshifter collects her crown*

Me: Congratulations!

Shapeshifter: I knew I could do it! I'm the best!

Me and Olive: *glare at Shapeshifter*

Shapeshifter: I mean, thank you for your help, Odd Squad. I couldn't have done it without you.

Olive: We were happy to help. Don't forget our deal, though.

Shapeshifter: Don't worry, I won't. Well, until next time. I'm a rocket, I'm a rocket! *whoosh*

Ending #2

Shapeshifter: *walks onstage looking stunning and walks and waves perfectly* *crowd erupts into cheering* Thank you, thank you. *walks off and allows the other five contests to go*

Woman: Thank you to everyone who participated in this beauty pageant. There sure are a lot of talented women in this town. All of you were simply spectacular, but one person stood out above the rest. That person is...

Me and Olive: *hold our breath*

Woman: ...Penelope!

Crowd: Whoo!

Shapeshifter: No, no, no! I should have won! I'm the prettiest!

Olive: Uh, if it makes you feel better, you looked amazing out there.

Shapeshifter: It doesn't, but at least there's one good thing about losing.

Me: What's that?

Shapeshifter: I don't have to wait two weeks to cause oddness since I only told you I would stop for two weeks if you helped me win the beauty pageant.

Olive: Hey, no, that's not fair!

Shapeshifter: So long, Odd Squad! I'm a rocket, I'm a rocket!


Thank you 555Tyrone for this dare! Sorry it took so long, and I hope you enjoyed it!

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