Secret Santa

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Me: Merry Christmas, guys!

Olive: Merry Christmas, Oaklynn!

Otto: Hey, Oaklynn. I'm glad you could make it.

Me: Of course. I wouldn't miss this for the world. Since it's Christmas today, I have an idea. I was thinking that the Odd Squad could do a secret Santa.

Olympia: I love that idea!

Me: Okay, I put all of your names on slips of paper and put them in a hat. Everyone choose one.

Olive: *picks Orchid*

Otto: *picks Dr. O*

Olympia: *picks Ms. O*

Otis: *picks Ohana*

Oscar: *picks Oona*

Octavia: *picks Owen*

Opal: *picks Oswald*

Omar: *picks Orla*

Little O: *picks Ori*

Osmeralda: *picks Oaklynn*

Me: Okay, everyone! Let's go get the presents! We'll meet back here in an hour.

Time Skip- Sixty Minutes

Me: Okay, everyone can go grab their gift, and we'll take turns opening them.

Orchid: I'm going first!

Me: That's fine, Orchid.

Orchid: *opens present* It's a toy dinosaur! I'm going to name you Sherman.

Me: You should go next, Dr. O.

Dr. O: *unwraps gift* A new stethoscope. I've been needing a new one since the one I have now is fake. I love it. What's next?

Oona: Oh, can I go next?!

Olive: Of course!

Oona: *opens gift* Wow, I got a... a... uh... What is it?

Oscar: It's a Pickle-anator. Now, when you get hungry, you don't have to leave the lab.

Oona: Um, thank you. That's very thoughtful. *looks at Oscar like he's crazy*

Ms. O: I'm next. *opens giant gift* A giant stack of juice boxes?! Mmmm! *looks like she's going to be angry* I love it!

Everyone: Whoo!

Owen: Can I open mine now?

Otto: Of course you can. I can't wait to see what yours is.

Owen: *destroys the wrapping paper* Oh my goodness! It's the new controller I've been wanting for ages!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Octavia: You're welcome, Owen.

Ori: *opens gift with suspicious holes in it* Ah, it's a puppy! You got me a puppy?! I love him so much! I'm going to call him Ranger.

Oswald: *opens his present* Books! The whole series is here, too! Thank you Opal!

Opal: You're very welcome.

Orla: *opens gift* It's a dinosaur fossil. I appreciate this most wonderful gift.

Ohana: It's finally my turn. *opens present* Wow, it's a real life taser!

Otis: It's so you can defend yourself.

Ohana: Thank you, Otis.

Otis: It's really not much.

Ohana: Are you kidding?! I love it! *jumps up in excitement*

Otis: *blushes*

*everyone else opens their presents*

Olive: It's your turn, Oaklynn.

Me: Mine?

Olive: Of course!

Me: *stares at the huge gift in front of me*

Ms. O: Well, go on. Open it.

Me: *slowly unwraps gift* Huh! Wow, wow, wow, wow! It's the scooter that I've been saving money to get. You got it for me?

Osmeralda: It was the least I could do. You're always there for me.

Me: Thank you so much. *looks around the room* I love all of you guys so much!

Everyone: Merry Christmas!!


Thank you Blehfan105 for the dare! I'm sorry it's after Christmas, but I hope you still like it :)

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