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"To be honest you don't even need to dress up for me to be attracted to you. I already am now."



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Jimin's POV

He spun me around to face him as I gritted my teeth angrily.

However I froze feeling his other hand against my cheek.

My heart was dancing in my chest as Taehyung's thin pink lips came into contact with mine.

His lips were sparking like crazy against my own which made me savour the pleasure.

His fruity scent was so much stronger up close as my eyes slowly closed enjoying the way his lips gently greeted mine.

My hands went clammy from excitement as his hand ran under my ear.

Then he pulled back still inches away from me allowing for our eyes to open and meet for a couple seconds.

I got lost looking into his golden hazel eyes while my heart pounded hard in my chest.

All feelings of anger and spite were gone.

"Why?" I managed to choke out as his cheeks started to tint a dark shade of red.

"I'm sorry for asking, you are right, I am too into your privacy. It's probably just because I've been bored all day." He stated.

"And why did you kiss me?" I asked looking down at our shoes.

My stomach was doing flips as I found it hard to suppress a massive smile on my face.

"Um because you wanted to kiss me earlier and I didn't know how to make you not mad with me or keep your attention. I'm sorry if you didn't want me to now." Taehyung muttered nervously as I could almost hear his voice breaking from nerves.

I smiled looking at him.

"No I wanted you to kiss me still, and it definitely got my attention." I said giggling.

I watched a smile appear on his charming handsome face.

"Plus it felt a lot nicer then kissing everyone else." I mentioned seeing his cheeks start to tint red again.

"Do you want to see something?" I asked with a bright smile.

He nodded as I grabbed his wrist.

I pulled him out of the lounge and down the hallway past my bedroom and his.

Then I stopped opening a door before pulling him up a small flight of twisting circular stairs.

The room was dark so I felt my hand around for the switch before pulling back a navy blue curtain and walking into the room.

Guardian Angel - Vmin/kookWhere stories live. Discover now