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"You- You can see me?"



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Jimin's POV

I opened the front door slowly peering around the door.

"Oh Jena." I gasped seeing the young ish women in front of my door.

"Long time no see." She said with a small smile while my own smile faded.

"Did you want something?" I questioned surprised to even see her again.

Jena was second in charge of the orphanage I lived at for years.

Of course she was young ish then, maybe in her 20s, so now in her 30s, but she still looks reasonably the same.

Just I hated her with a passion then and still kind of do now.

I have terrible memories from this lady.

"To be honest, we are really struggling to get people to take children from now my orphanage," She started.

"The orphanage is packed which means we are leaving children who need places to sleep out on the road because we just can't fit them inside. No one's wanting orphans anymore so I am basically going door knocking to everyone who grew up in our orphanage that have come of age where they may be interested in having children too see if you would take at least even one." Jena explained.

I scrunched up my nose.

"I would love to help but I may possibly get fired tomorrow so I may not even have the money for myself too sleep in a house after tomorrow." I answered.

"Oh um, will you at least consider it? You know what it's like to not be taken by anyone Jimin-ah." She hummed biting her bottom lip.

"Don't call me that, only use my name." I insisted with a hint of disgust.

"Plus I don't like my past so I would rather you not bring up the fact I was excluded." I told her and she looked down nodding.

Man I hate this women with a passion...

"Look, I will consider it at some point but I don't know when or if I will actually take one." I mentioned as Taehyung walked over to me by the door.

"Aww you should totally get a kid." Taehyung coed as my cheeks started to heat up.

"Oh hello, I apologize, I didn't know you had visitors over." The female said looking at Taehyung.

My mouth dropped open.


"You- You can see me?" Taehyung gasped out looking at the women.

She nodded.

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