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"Really? Now you are playing that game to get my money and to touch me? Your wasting your time Jimin-ah. I heard what you said and I don't want anything to do with you."



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Jimin's POV

I sprinted inside grabbing a fresh pair of grey sweatpants along with a white t-shirt.

Pulling on some shoes, I dashed back to the door, grabbing my keys and phone while locking the front door.

Then I proceeded to run down the stairs not even caring if I was to fall before crossing the road to sprint through the beautiful green park.

It felt as though my guardian angel was carrying me all this way to fix things immediately.

The sky was pitch black, twinkling with golden stars as I made it outside of Jungkook's house.

Pausing to catch my breath, I slowly pushed through the black gate closing it behind me.

I don't even know what I would say to Jungkook at this point, even if he did allow for me to speak.

I knew it was midnight as my eyes were cast upon the clock before I left my apartment which means that Jungkook should be home by now.

While gulping I pressed my small index finger down on the door bell.

Ding dong.

I heard the sound of feet shuffling down the stairs.

I bit my bottom lip hearing the keys turn in the lock, not even caring about the shivers of cold night air making my hair stand up all over my arms.

Two doe eyes glanced around the door before quickly shutting the door.

"Jungkook-" I squeaked out walking closer too the wooden door, my nose centimeters away from touching it.

"Why are you here? Why are you even bothering to try?" I heard Jungkook croak through the door.

"Because... I like like you." I mumbled feeling my cheeks heat up.

I listened to Jungkook chuckle dryly as I rested my right hand against his door, listening to him slump his back against the other side of the door.

"Really? Now you are playing that game to get my money and to touch me? Your wasting your time Jimin-ah. I heard what you said and I don't want anything to do with you." Jungkook hissed, a tone of pain noticeable in his voice.

"Kook I don't want your money, I have a job, I am stable so I have no intentions to take your money. It's just something your friends put into your mind because you know I am not like that. If I was, I would have tried years ago when I was jobless and met you while I still attended university," I started.

"And your right, I like touching you yes but that's because I like like you. I enjoy the way you touch me," I mumbled blushing harder as I rested my forehead against the door, my right hand still pressed to it.

"And I was talking to my guardian angel back at the prom." I muttered.

However my eyes widened as the door quickly opened.

I started to fall forwards but Jungkook didn't let me as he quickly grabbed my wrist pulling me inside, closing and locking the door before leading me upstairs.

My heart bet quicker as we made it into his room where he turned on the light.

My lips started to curve upwards as I captured a glimpse of Jungkook in a white singlet with red and white Christmas pajama bottoms.

"You've met your guardian angel too?" He gasped.

"You've met your's too?" I mumbled looking up at him as my lips fell open.

"Well yeah, you see because my parents are rich, they would go out a lot when I was younger and basically when I turned 11 they left me for the first time completely alone. However they made me noodles too eat while they were gone and I choked. I would have died but my guardian angel basically was able to pat my back and pump my stomach so that it came back out before I didn't make it." Jungkook uttered walking down to sit on his bed.

"Is your angel here with you now?" Jungkook asked tapping his bed for me to sit down beside him.

I sat down beside him before shaking my head.

"No he returned back to neverland before I came here." I explained.

"So you were saved from...?" Jungkook asked looking at me.

"Urm, suicide." I whispered quietly even though Jungkook could still hear me.

"Yah don't ever die that way." Jungkook gasped out.

"Was it because of me?" Jungkook asked scrunching up his nose as he seemed to panic.

"Sort of but not fully you. Basically I had a bit of an argument with my angel because we both sort of saw each other romantically and I suppose sexually, but he wasn't a long term option so I kept turning him away but you heard the part that obviously I wished I could have dated him or something," I explained as Jungkook kept his eyes on me.

"Basically he got upset with my response and left so I wasn't in a good mood, then you turned me away and also I saw my friend who I got close too with someone else, so I thought maybe he wouldn't see me as a close friend. Just everything socially made me crash to the point that I don't have much in my life to live for so I was willing to give up." I explained looking away from him.

"You know that time in the other apartment when we just got out of the spa, when you said something that I said someone else had told me, that was actually my guardian angel. What you said sounded a lot like him so I guessed maybe you had met yours too but I wasn't sure if you were just being inspirational because you are a geek." Jungkook mumbled creating me to lightly giggle.

"Is your angel the other person who's been doing this too your neck?" Jungkook asked dragging his fingers along my bare neck showing some hickeys.

"Yeah, kind of the reason I tried not to talk about him a lot was so that you didn't think he was a threat because he's not long term when hes gone now." I stuttered.

"Do you actually like like me?" Jungkook whispered turning my face to look at him.

My eyes got lost looking into his dreamy brown eyes as I nodded.

"Yes." I replied as my cheeks heated up.

His larger hand swiftly cupped my face as he leaned in kissing my lips slowly.

My eyes fluttered closed as Jungkook wrapped a fluffy blanket around me as our lips stayed together.

As he pulled back he allowed for me to stare into his deep glossy doe eyes.

"Can I take you on a proper date then?" Jungkook coed with a soft bunny smile.

I beamed nodding happily.

A guardian angel's duty is too give your life continued hope, love, care and protection... Kim Taehyung, I know you are in my heart as you continue to make my life better as my loving savior...


(Last chapter complete, however I will write an epilogue so isn't quite complete yet. Next chapter will wrap it up a bit better :)

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That's all for now... Stay safe, warm and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till the epilogue... Byeeeee :)

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