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Au - Some may find this chapter distressing however hopefully by now yal have figured out suicide is mentioned throughout this book. And hopefully you don't feel too mentally unstable as I did write in the author note that suicidal shit would be included.

If you are mentally stable, feel free to continue as this chapter does mention Jimin's second way of dying. - The climax.


"You see, suicide when a person isn't drowning can cause them to yell out in agony, but drowning, your lungs are on fire and unless you back out it's a very silent unnoticeable death." 

Mirror lady


Jimin's POV

Tears blinded my eyes as I unlocked my apartment.

My heart was aching as I managed to unlock the door and stumble inside.

I slouched against the back of the front heavy door, my hands shaking and my knees buckling.

I closed my eyes tightly hyper ventilating as I coughed.

My stomach churned and ached.

I quickly ran towards the bathroom leaning over the sink to vomit while panicking.

Splashing cold fresh water on my face, I groaned looking at my appearance.

My mascara was dripping down my cheeks now in blank ink streaks while my eyes bulged red and puffy.

I grabbed a flannel sniffling before dipping it into cold water then washing off my make up.

I took a step back leaving the flannel covered in make up on the bench.

Then I proceeded to remove my suit and underwear as my hand shakily turned on the bath tap.

The bath was all white and was right beside my shower where I met Taehyung for the first time.

I shivered feeling the cold air around my body.

But I know the bath water will be cooler, this is because I didn't pay for hot water yet.

I took a deep breath and slightly yelped as I dipped my toes into the cold icy water before placing my whole foot and lower right leg into the water.

Then I copied with my right lower leg before sitting down surrounding my torso with the cold fresh water.

I gasped holding tightly onto the bathtub between my hands as I gently lied down inside the bathtub.

My chest was covered in water, right up to my chin as I kept my head out of the water while resting back on my elbows allowing for my legs to float touching nothing.

There was pure silence as I lay still.

Not even the sound of water circulating could be heard while my chest rose up and down in the bathtub.

White clouds of air surely was coming out between my pale lips.

More tears blurred my eyes when all I could think about were the people who I cared about.

Kim Taehyung: dashing always, the most charming smile, most beautiful golden brown orbs, most delicious thin rosy lips, deep ravishing voice and kind, caring friendly words.

Jeon Jungkook: Super handsome, nice pursed lips showing off a cute mole, most deep dreamy brown eyes, most annoying but weirdly trustworthy person I've ever met.

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