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"Wow, Mr grumpy grumps right there."



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Jimin's POV

I wiped down another table before heading back to my counter.

However I couldn't help but overhear comments some young female university students made coming into the cafe.

"Do you think he's the one? Or is it that other worker over there?"

"Um excuse me, may I help you?" I asked catching their attention however they seemed to look back and forth at Yoongi and I while Yoongi was helping other customers.

The females walked over to my counter.

"Um we aren't here for food or anything just we have a question." One of the females muttered.

I sighed noticing their was no one else I could serve to avoid any of their questions.

However I glanced to the other female beside the one who spoke and my heart sunk.


She is quite possibly the most popular and attractive female that attends my old University.

Not to mention one of Jungkook's closet friends, probably just for popularity reasons.

I have seen him walking beside her at the University a couple years ago.

"Aren't you that nerd boy that sat always in the library from a year or so ago?" She asked squinting at me.

"Yeah that's me." I said pressing my lips together while sighing.

"You no longer wear glasses?" She questioned.

"Obviously not." I replied to her.

"I think it's him, how else would Jungkook know him?" She asked just loud enough for me to hear while talking to her friend.

"A rumor is circulating our university you see, and it includes you." The unrecognizable girl beside Dallia mentioned.

"And why would I care? Nor want to know when I don't attend the university anymore?" I questioned wiping down the counter top.

"Because apparently my close friend Jungkook has asked you to the prom and we are all confused about if it's true or not. I want to know if my friend is gay." Dallia muttered.

"Look, if it's a rumor that doesn't mean it's real. Besides, whoever set up the rumor could be just shy them self of wanting to take me to the formal but got caught so blamed it on your friend." I said trying to turn it away from Jungkook.

"Plus if you are friends with him, why don't you go ask him?" I questioned leaning on the bench.

"He wouldn't tell me if he is gay or not even if I asked. Please everyone would brush off being gay." She spat.

Guardian Angel - Vmin/kookWhere stories live. Discover now