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~You may not know/ you might not see/ I'm standing here so quietly~


Mitch was lying on the couch scrolling through his Tumblr newsfeed. He spotted the pictures that fans have posted and a small smile crept onto his face. He saw many pictures of him and Scott, that were screen shotted from their Superfruit videos, with them surrounded by little hearts and the captions read "Scomiche forever #ScomicheForever".

Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he thought of the baritone and he felt himself blush. At the first sight of Scott, mitch fell in love with him. Over the years, his love for Scott grew stronger and he was scared to confess his feelings for his best friend because it might ruin their relationship.

Mitch's chest tightened with just the thought of their friendship getting ruined over a crush. But this was no ordinary crush; mitch felt, deep within his heart that it was love at first sight.

The sound of the front door closing made Mitch snap out of his thoughts and he looked up from his phone to only see the tall, blonde come strolling into the living room. He dropped his keys onto the coffee table and Mitch took the cup of coffee from Scott.

As he took the cup from Scott, their fingers brushed together and mitch's heart fluttered as static ran through his hand. He clutched the hot cup tighter to keep it from slipping from his hand.

"Thank you." Mitch's voice was a little shaky, he silently hoped that Scott didn't notice.

Scott didn't notice, thankfully, and he plopped down next to Mitch. The coushins shifted slightly from under Mitch causing him to move closer to his best friend.

Mitch didn't hear the words that Scott said because he got lost in the thought of those soft lips on his, trailing feather like kisses over his mouth and down his neck.

"Mitch?" Mitch noticed that the blonde was looking at him. He blushed and tore his eyes away from Scott's face.

"I'm sorry what?" Mitch asked as he forced the thought from his mind and looked back at his best friend's concerned face.

"You've been acting strange lately, is everything okay?" Scott asked.

Mitch cleared his throat, fiddled with the cup in his hands and gave Scott a small smile. "Yeah everything is fine." He lied, because secretly he was being torn apart from the feelings that keep resurfacing whenever Scott was around.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Mitch opened his mouth to answer but no words came out. He quickly shut it and just nodded at him. Then he looked down at the cup of coffee that was slowly getting cold. He put the cup to his lips and he drank a little bit of the coffee.

His phone dinged and he looked at the screen, it was Kirstie.

Kirstie: Heyy queen, do you and scott want to hang with the rest of us at my house?

Mitch: Heyy girlie, sure i'll ask him if he wants to. I will text ya with an answer. ;)

Kirstie: Sounds good :)

"Hey Scott, Kirstie wanted to know if we wanted to hang out with her and the guys at her house." Mitch looked at Scott and the blonde looked up from his phone. Their eyes met and Mitch's heart fluttered.

"Sure that would be fun." Mitch heard Scott lock his phone and he got up, grabbing his keys from the table.

"Just let me get my shoes on." Mitch texted kirstie, letting her know that they are coming, then he ran to his room, grabbed his shoes and a sweater. He slipped on his shoes and pulled the sweater, that Scott loves and walked out of his room.

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