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Hey fruitflies, this chapter will show what really happened with Scott and Alex… so a filler chapter.

 Please keep commenting/ voting and reading J



<Night before Mitch left>

 -Scott's POV-

 Scott was sitting at a bar with Avi and Kevin who were talking with some girls. Feeling like a third wheel, Scott got up and walked to the other side of the bar with his Apple Martini and sat down at an empty table. After six martinis and five shots, he couldn't see straight. Looking around the room with blurry and spinning vision, he noticed that Avi and Kevin weren't anywhere in sight.

 He sighed, paid for his drink and walked out of the bar. Checking his phone he saw that it was midnight. Ughh Mitch is probably freaking out because he told him that he would be home at 10:30. He looked up from his phone and almost smashed his face into a pole. Walking around the corner, he bumped into someone.

 “Hey gorgeous, you want me to take you home, I saw your car and now I see the condition you're in. Its definitely not safe to drive alone.” Alex smirked biting his bottom lip.

 Scott rolled his eyes and shook his head, “There is no way i'm getting in that car with you.” He turned to walk down the street, but he turned around so fast that he got extremely dizzy. Blinking slowly he felt a pair of arms go around him, then he felt himself sink into Alex's side. It was as if they were two perfect puzzle piece that fit well together. Wait, no, what was he thinking! Mitch was his one true love, not Alex.

 He didn't have the energy to fight Aex, so he just let himself go and let Alex help him to his car. Once they found his ccar, Alex seductively looks into Scott's eyes and grabbed Scott's keys from his front pocket of his jeans. Scott mentally rolled his eyes because he physically didn't have the energy or mental coordination to roll his eyes.

 Once inside the car,  Scott leaned his head against the cool window, he felt the car move forward. The bumps and potholes made his stomach churn and he felt like he was going to throw up his dinner and drinks all over his front seat. Wrapping one arm over his stomach, he groaned and closed his eyes,  focusing on not puking his guts out.

 “You know drinking so much isn't healthy for you and it could get you into a lot of trouble.” He heard Alex chuckle next to him and he felt him turn onto another street.

 “Fuck off.” Scott mumbled.

 “Celebrating before your wedding?” He saw Alex glance at him and the back to the road.

 “Yeah two more weeks and it’s the big day.” Scott felt a small smile spread across his face as he pictured him watching Mitch walking down the aisle in a black tuxedo with a pink dress shirt and white tie. His heart fluttered at the thought that his best friend for years could be his soulmate and that it took Scott this long to realize that the love that he was searching for his whole life, was right under his nose.

 He felt the car stop and Alex cut the engine. Then he unbuckled his seatbelt and attempted to get out of the car. With the assistance by his friend, Scott got up the front stoop and inside the front door. He noticed that Mitch wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, so scott figured that he was asleep in his room. Stumbling down the hallway, leaning on Alex's shoulder, Scott made it down the hallway to his room.

 He fell into his bed and he noticed that Alex didn't take him to Mitch's room. Shrugging his shoulders, he attempted to take off his jeans, but his hands weren't coroporating properly. So with Alex's help, scott's clothes were off, except for his boxers, and he was lying comfortably in the comfort of his own blankets. Scott was debating on going to Mitch's room but he didn't want to wake him because the tenor hasn't been sleeping that well and he wanted to give Mitch his time to sleep.

 Then he felt Alex crawl into bed with him, Scott was too tired to protest and kick Alex out of his bed. Eventually he fell fast asleep but little did he know the disaster that was going to hit in the morning.


Hey fruitflies, sorry for this late update, i've been extremely busy with school. But after next weel, I will be able to update every chance that I get. I hoped you liked this short little filler chapter. I promise we will get back to mitch and his point of view.

 Please keep commenting/voting and reading.


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