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~I kept dreaming dreaming just keep dreaming of you (4xs)~


-Scott's POV-

 Scott laid there on his back, staring up at the ceiling. The same thought that has been running around inside his head kept coming up.

 This is all your fault, if you didn't answer your phone you would have listened to what your best friend had to say. If you would have gone with him to Kirstie's he wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed in a fucking goddamn coma. THIS IS ALL YOU FUCKING FAULT!  His mind screamed at him. Scott felt a tear slip down the side of his face and he heard his phone vibrate on the table next to him.

 He glanced at his phone and saw it was another text from Alex.

 Alex <3: Hey babe, I hope everything goes well with your friend. Do you want me to come over?

 Scott sighed, sliding his thumb across the screen, opening the phone and he hesitated. His thumb was hovering over the iMessages icon and procrastinated. Finally, after a few moments of fighting with his mind, he finally hit the light green icon and opened the text.

 Scott: Yeah sure.

 Alex saw the message and replied within a heartbeat.

 Alex <3: See ya in five ;)

He laid there with an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach and before Scott locked his phone, Kirstie called him. Scott answered right away, his heart beating loudly in his chest.

 "Hey kit kat." Scott said.

 "Hey I was going up to see mitch, do you want to come?" Kirstie asked as he heard her maneuvering around her house.

 "I'm going up a little later." Scott said.

 "Okay, i'll pick you up in ten." Kirstie said, ignoring what Scott had just said. He hung up the phone and groaned loudly, as he ran his hand through his blonde hair.

 He got up, went to the bathroom and freshened up, then as he walked out of the bathroom he heard a car door slam. He peeked out the living room window and saw Alex walking happily towards the house. A few moments later, Scott jumped at the sound of knocking, and went over to answer the door. His chest tightened as he met Alex's happy glowing eyes.

"Hey scottie." Alex came in and hugged Scott.


The only one who was supposed to call him that was Mitch.


Man, just the thought of his name made Scott's heart pound in his chest. He hugged Alex back and closed the door behind them.

 Alex plopped on the couch, resting his feet on top of the coffee table. Scott moved his feet on to the floor, causing Alex to sit up straighter. He sat next to Alex and put his head in his hands.

 "I fucked up Alex." Scott confessed.

 Alex chuckled, "What did you do?"

 Scott looked up at him a little taken back that he laughed at what he said, "Mitch got into the accident because of me and my stupid fucking actions. If I didn't go out with you....."

 "Oh wait, now this is all my fault?!" Alex cut him off.

 "Alex I didn't....."

 Alex held up a hand, "No I get it, you have feelings for that fucking faggot."

 Scott jumped away from him and glared at him, "Mitch is not a faggot, he is the greatest person I could ever have in my life. He is my family and if you can't accept the fact that mitch is in my life, then you can fucking leave my house and never come back." Scott jumped to his feet and pointed t the door.

 He watched as Alex glared at him, stood up and walked slowly to him. Scott backed away from him and the next thing he knew he was up against the wall. Alex put his hands on the wall on either side of his face.

 "Alex what are you......." Scott was cut off by Alex who crashed his lips against Scott's

 Scott felt Alex's hands run from his neck all the way down to the hem of his shirt. Alex tightened his grip of Scott's shirt, as alex deepened the kiss. Scott stopped fighting it and finally gave in. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Alex's neck.

 He didn't even notice the door open all of a sudden he heard Kirstie's voice, "Hey scott ready to go see M... OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK?!"

 Scott pushed alex away, breathing heavily he looked from Alex to Kirstie. "Kirstie I...." Kirstie walked towards Scott with a pissed off look on her face.

Scott suddenly felt stinging in his cheek, as Kirstie slapped his face. "No Hoying enough is enough! Your best friend is dying because of you and YOU!" Scott held his cheek and watched as Kirstie turned towards Alex, who was grinning, and pointed her finger at him.

 "YOU made Scott bail on his best friend so then you guys can fuck off at your place. Am I right?" Kirstie put a hand on her hip.

 Scott looked at Alex in shock when he saw him nod. "You're right because Scott is mine."

 He stepped forward and shoved Alex, "I am not your fucking property! You never owned me."

 "You know what? Fuck you all, I'm out." Alex stormed towards the door.

 Scott watched as he turned back and glared at them, then he slammed the door behind him. Scott jumped at the loud sound, and he felt himself sink to the ground.

 "Kirstie, i've messed up so badly." He cried as he pulled his knees to his chest.

 "Scott its okay, mitch will be okay. Would you like to go see him?" Scott shook his head and stayed there on the floor.

 A couple of minutes went by and he heard Kirstie sigh, she kissed him on his forehead and then he heard the door close softly behind her as she left.

 Scott sat in the same place, in the same position as before, and cried.

-Mitch's POV-

 "Mitch sweetie come on wake up." He heard a soft girl voice call out to him, but he couldn't place the voice with a name or a face. He tried so hard to open his eyes, but they weren't budging.


 "Hey Mator, i'm home and I got coffee." Mitch smiled as he ran inside the kitchen, eager to see Scott.

 "Scottland!" Mitch jumped into his arms after scott placed their coffee's on the counter. He wrapped his lets around the blonde's waist and kissed him on the lips.

 "Hello to you to." Scott chuckled as mitch pulled away. He slid off of Scott and he wrapped an arm around Mitch's waist. Mitch grabbed his coffee, scott grabbed his and they went into the living room.

 Mitch sat down on the couch and layed his head in Scott's lap. He felt the baritone play with his hair as he flipped through the channels. Mitch saw a movie that he loved and he whined, "Scottie, I love that movie can we please watch it?"

 "Can we see what else is on?" Scott whined back. Mitch looked  up at his boyfriend and gave him the puppy dog face.

 Scott looked at mitch, and sighed, "You know I can't say no to that face." He put on Pitch Perfect and Mitch was glued to the screen.

 Towards the end of the movie, he heard scott snoring softly. He lifted his head and kissed Scott's forehead and whispered, "I love you with all my heart, Scott."

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