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-Mitch's POV-

Mitch bolted awake and he noticed that he was on the couch. He lied there and the image of Scott lying in a pool of his blood on the bathroom floor, then the scene flashed forward and he saw Scott lying dead on the hospital bed. Tears flowed down his face and he rolled over, pushing his face more into the cushion of the couch.

*Scott was gone and he was never coming back.* The sentence repeated in his mind over and over again, and his heart shattered again into a million pieces. After ten minutes of sobbing into the now soaked cushion, Mitch decided to get up and change his clothes.

As soon as he got his shirt over his head and his arms in the sleeves, the doorbell rang with loud knocking following directly after it. He took a deep breath and walked from his room to the front door. With a shaky hand he gripped the knob and was just about to pull it open when the door flew opened, causing Mitch to stumble backwards and he landed on his back onto the floor.

"What the hell Kirstie?!" Mitch exclaimed as he got to his feet, dusting off the dust that was on his jeans.

"This is all your fault." Avi's voice boomed throughout the house.

Mitch flinched at the sudden tone in Avi's voice then he asked in a small voice, "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what we mean, Mitchell." Kevin pointed a finger at him and Mitch took a step back, and looked at his three best friends.

Mitch shook his head, "You think I caused this?!"

He watched as Kirstie folded her arms over her chest and shook her head.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Mitch exclaimed, his voice cracked as he tried to hold back a sob that was threatening to emerge.

"Yeah mitch, this is all your fault. You left Scott to defend for himself." Alex's figure appeared in the middle of Kirstie and Kevin.

"No I was going to come back and apologize." Mitch cried, holding his head in his hands.

Then he heard a familiar voice in front of him, "Mitch, how could you?"

Mitch dropped his hand from his face and slowly looked up to meet cold, icy, dark blue eyes.

"scott I was going to...."

Scott shook his head and glared at him, "You caused this, now you will have to live with the guilt that i'm gone. Looks like I won't see you on the other side."

With that said, Scott wrapped his arm around Alex's waist and they faded away.

"Wait no scott, please don't.... leave... me." The last word came out of a whisper and he collapsed to his knees.

He looked up at Avi, Kevin and Kirstie who stood there shaking their heads. After a few seconds they turned and walked away, fading into the shadows.

Then mitch watched in horror as the room disappeared into complete darkness. Screaming for help, he realized that there wasn't anyone coming for him and that he was now forever alone left to face the guilt that he caused.

"You caused this." Kirstie's figure appeared infront of him, then disappeared.

Then Kevin's figure appeared on the right side of him, Mitch turned towards Kevin's figure that suddenly appeared, "You ruined Pentatonix."

Mitch stumbled as he turned to face Avi's figure, "You ruin everything, faggot. Hope you die."

Tears streamed down his face as he turned again to face Scott's figure, and his legs buckled and he fell to the floor, "I thought you loved me, but you shut me out like you do with everyone else. I never loved you, you are dead to me now." Then Scott's figure faded into blackness.

Then Mitch heard the sound of fans booing and he found himself in the middle of the stage. Pushing himself up off of his hands and knees Mitch put a hand to his face to shield the brightness of the spotlight that shined down on him. Breathing heavily, he stumbled backwards as he watched in horror as the fans ran over the security guards and the guard rails. He frantically searched for an exit but he was trapped and he looked back at the crowd who were climbing onto the stage. That's when he saw Avi, Kevin, Scott, and Kirstie running towards him, eyes blazing with hatred and betrayal. As they closed in, mitch screamed at the top of his lungs and everything went black.

<Time lapse>

Mitch screamed and bolted upright. Looking around he saw that he was back in the extra bedroom on the tour bus. Hearing footsteps, mitch's heart frantically pounded in chest and he threw the blanket off of himself as he scrambled to the side of the bed. Nearing the edge, Mitch threw his arm out to catch himself, but he fell to the hard wood floor.

The bed was blocking his view of the door as he heard it slam against the wall. Then his heart stopped when he heard the voice calling out to him. Mitch stared in shock as Scott rushed around the bed, and crouched right in front of him.

"Mitch, whats wrong?" Mitch watched as his blue eyes frantically searched his.

"Y-you're alive?"Mitch stuttered, and he felt the color drain from his face.

Scott looked at him in confusion and Mitch tensed up as the blonde's arms wrapped around him, pulling him into his lap.

"Of course i'm alive, baby. I'm not going anywhere." Mitch heard him whisper into his ear as he rubbed the small part of mitch's back.

Mitch pulled back and stared into Scott's blue eyes and whispered, "It was just a dream?"

He pulled his left hand which was underneath Scott's arm and saw that there wasn't a ring on it.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at his ring less finger. Mitch felt scott's stare and looked back at the confused pair of blue eyes.

"What is it?" Scott asked.

"The ring, where is it?"

Scott fished his hand in the pocket of his sweatpants and put it back onto his hand, "You took it off to take a shower and you left it on the sink, so I put it in my pocket. Sorry I forgot to give it back to you earlier."

Mitch felt a smile tug on his face and he looked back at his fiancée. Scott smiled back at him and he felt the ground give out from under him, as Scott picked him up. Mitch was gently placed back into the bed and Scott let the room, only to come back with two glasses of water.

"Here drink this, thank god that we have a free day tomorrow. Or else we would both fall asleep on stage." Scott chuckled as Mitch took the glass from him.

After finishing the small glass, scott took it from him and walked back to the front lounge to place them in the sink. Mitch got comfortable under the covers, as he felt a warm pair of arms wrap around his waist pulling him close.

"I love you forever, Mitch and I promise that I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you too, scott." Mitch snuggled into Scott's chest and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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