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~I mean i'll be logical/ no probable/ But don't you say impossible/ Please just leave me with this waking dream~

-Mitch's POV-

Mitch squeezed weakly on scott's hands, afraid that the blonde would pull away and leave him again. He slowly opened his eyes and everything was blurry, it made him dizzy.. He blinked a few times and his vision cleared. Mitch saw four people staring at him. It took him a second to realize who they were.

The doctor then came in examined mitch to see how he was, and his vitals and everything were stable. With a nod and a smile the doctor left and that left mitch and his five best friends alone together.

"Hey man, how are you feeling?" Kevin asked, as he sat down in one of the chairs that were beside his bed.

"I feel... okay." Mitch's voice was raspy from the tubes that were down his throat and it hurt to talk.

Avi handed him a little plastic cup of water. Mitch took the water in his two shaking hands and sipped it gingerly. Placing the cup back onto the portable table, mitch turned his attention bak to his friends and smiled.

"Its good to have you back, queen." Kirstie hugged him softly, pulling away and wiped her eyes.

"Its good to be back." Mitch said in a small voice and he turned his attention to the baritone who fiddled with his fingers and kept his gaze down on the floor.

"Guys lets give them a moment." Kirstie got up and shoved Kevin and Avi out the door, before closing the door mitch saw her give him a little wink and she quietly shut the door behind them, leaving the baritne and the brunette all alone.

"Scott. Scott look at me." Scott looked up at him and mitch saw his blood shot eyes which were filling with tears that were now flowing down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for causing this." Scott cried, and he hid his head in his hands, sinking into the chair that was behind him.

"Scott this wasn't you f....."

Scott torn his hands away from his face and shock and anger flashed across his face, "If I didn't go to Alex's place this would have never happened."

"You would have never known." Mith said, a little taken back from scott's sudden outburst.

"Gosh i'm so fucking stupid." Scott shook his head and lowered his gaze back to the floor.

Mitch slowly sat up, whincing at the slight pain in his chest from the seatbelt and with a shakey hand, he reached out to his best friend. He lifted his chin and made the blonde look at him.

"But, that should be me in that bed, not you. When Kirstie called me and when I heard what had happened, I didn't know where to turn. I messed up I should've went with you to Kirstie's, you wouldn't be lying in this god forsaken place." Scott said, wiping his eyes.

Mitch stared into his sad and heartbroken eyes, and took a deep breath, *You can do this. Just tell him* His mind urged him on.

"Scott I have been keeping something from you and now is a good time to say it."

Scott looked at him with a puzzled look, and nodded, "What is that?"

"I..... I"

"You what?"

"I... god why is it so hard to confess." Mitch mumbled to himself, and scott looked at him in confusion. Then mitch saw something flash across his face and scott smiled at him.

"I have something to say too." Scott said.

Mith looked at scott and a wave of confusion washed over him. Mitch took scott's hand in his and mitch took a deep breath, waiting patiently for scott to say something.

"But I will let you go first."

Mitch eshaled slowly and looked away from his best friend, "I kind of like you." He mumbled.

"What?" Scott squinted his eyes at him.

Mitch looked at him and said, staring into his light blue eyes, " I love you Scott."

He watched as scott just sat there and stared at him.

"I love you too, mitch." Scott smiled back at him and mitch smiled widely back at him.

They hugged each other and scott said, "You are my best friend."

Mitch pulled away, and stared at him. He felt tears threaten to emerge but he blinked rapidly and the tears went away.

His chest tightened and his heart broke into little pieces, "Yeah...... right........ friends." mitch gave him a small smile and pulled out of the baritone's embrace, resting his head back on the pillow.

He blinked and a tear flowed down his right cheek, thankfully scott was on his left side so he couldn't see the tear.

"I'm kind of tired, i think i'm going to get some rest."

"Y-yeah, see you tomorrow." Scott got up and gave him a hug.

The held each other for a momnt before Mitch pulled his face out of scott's chest and looked up into his sky blue eyes.

He couldn't hold it back any more, leaning in, he crashing his lips against scott's. Mitch felt the electricity and sparks fly as he wrapped his arms around scott's neck, deepening the kiss.

They pulled away, scott rested his head against mitch's and they were both breathing heavily.

"You have no idea how long i've wanted to do that." Mitch whispered.

"All my life i have been running...." Scott quoted their original song off of PTX vol 3.

Mitch smiled and finished the lyric, " And now i'm on my way home."

Scott kissed him one last time, before pulling away and walking out of the door. Through the glass he saw the blonde smiling at him, and he held up a hand, waving at the baritone.

He watched as scott disappeared from the window and mitch laid his head back, smiling.

Mitch felt himself drifting off to sleep, with a smile on his face and the touh of Scott's soft lips still lingering on his lips.

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