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~Every single look/ and every single word/ makes me makes me fall in deeper~

<Five Months Later>

 -Mitch's POV-

 “Kirstie I don’t know whats up with him, hes been acting really strange.” Mitch leaned against the kitchen counter, with his coffee in his other hand and he listen as Kirstie shifted her phone to her other ear.

 “Strange like how?”

 “Hes been talking on his phone a lot in his room and whenever I walk into the room he always rushes to get off the phone.”

 Kirstie was silent for a moment and then she said, “W-well maybe he planning something.” Mitch noticed that tone in her voice and he put his coffee down, then he put his hand on his hip.

 “Kirsten what are you not telling me?”

 “Oops I forgot that I have to go feed Olaf, see you later at the studio.”

 “Wait Kirstie don’t….” Then the line went dead.

  Mitch mumbled under his breath as he grabbed his coffee and padded down the narrow hallway towards Scott's room.

 “I want it to be a surprise ….” Mitch pressed his ear against scott's bedroom door and tried to make out what the blonde was saying. He could only make out a few words, “Tour…. Last show…. Surprise..”

 *What is he up to?* Mitch thought to himself and then he heard the baritone get off his bed, his footsteps got closer to the door. Quickly moving out of the line of the door, mitch backed away a few steps and made it look like he was just coming down the hallway.

 He watched as his boyfriend opened his door, walked out and looked left down the hall to Mitch's room and then he looked to the right, meeting Mitch's eyes. Mitch saw happiness glittering in the pit of his sparkling sky blue eyes, and wondered what hes hiding.

 “Good morning, Baby” Scott pecked Mitch on the lips and pulled back smiling.

 “Who were you talking to?”

 Scott hesitated for a moment and then he said, “Oh that was just Kevin, he was checking to see if we were going to be at the studio because him and Avi have new ideas for the new Original album.” Mitch watched as scott rubbed the back of his neck and Scott gave him a shy smile.

“Sure, just let me change and I will meet you in the car.” Mitch pecked Sctt's cheek then he went to his room.

 He threw on his favorite purple flowered shirt with some skinny jeans. Then he went to the bathroom, fixed his hair and he got his shoes on. Walking out of the house, Mitch locked the door behind him and got into Scott's car. Scott put the car in reverse back out of the driveway and drove down the street towards the studio.

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