Twenty- Five

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Hey everyone, i'm so sorry but this will be the last chapter to Dreaming.

WARNING: Severe heartbreak.

Please don't hurt me but this is how I planned the book to end. Lets just say most dreams become a horrible nightmare with no happy ending.



-Scott's POV-

"Okay Kirstie, calm down. I'll try calling his cell phone." Scott said into his Bluetooth that was in his ear, as he sped down the street towards the club that Kirstie said that they were at.

"Okay." Scott heard Kirstie sniffling on the other end of the line and then she hung up.

Scott pressed a button on his steering wheel and said, "Call my queen."

He came to a stop at a red light and he just heard the ringing in his ear piece and then Mitch's voicemail picked up.

"Hey I can't come to the phone right now because I have a Pentatonix rehearsal. I will get back to you when I can. Byee."

Scott sighed and hung up. The light turned green and he sped off towards the club. He made a quick left into the parking lot, and got into the first spot he could find. He cut the engine and jumped out of the car.

"Kirstie!" Scott called out to his best friend who was talking to a cop.

"Scott! I'm so sorry I turn my head for a few minutes, and the next thing I know he was gone. Oh god this is all my fault." She sobbed into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Its okay, you didn't know. Calm down, everything will be fine." Scott murmured as he combed his fingers through her short, blonde hair.

She pulled away from him and he saw her makeup running down her face, her face was pale white, "Your wedding."

"It's okay, we will find him beforehand. Avi and Kevin are out searching for him." Scott said.

"Let's go, I will take my car and search are this area, and you will go search over by your block." Kirstie said, as she went to the driver's side of her car.

"Okay I will call you and let you know if I find him." Scott nodded swiftly at Kirstie and jogged back to his car.

His car roared to life and he put it in drive, as he sped out of the parking lot. He tried to call Mitch again, but it went to voicemail again. Scott felt his stomach drop and heart break slightly as he hung up the phone.

Mitch always answered his calls or when he didn't, he always called back. Something was terribly wrong and the feeling gnawed at the pit of his stomach a he drove slowly around his neighborhood.

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