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<After Mitch Left>

 -Scott's POV-

 Scott fell onto his knees on the pavement in the middle of the road. He ignored the pain that was slowly erupting in his knees and watched through his blurry vision as Mitch's car disappeared into the distance.

 “Scott, come on. Come inside please.” He heard Alex's voice coming from behind him. As violent sobs raked through his body, Scott slowly rose from the pavement and turned around to face Alex's fake, concerned face.

 Scott raised and pointed a shaking finger at Alex, “This is all your fault, you knew he would come and check up on me.” He watched as Alex shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.


 “No, save is Kirk. Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again.” Scott cried, and he watched as Alex slowly nodded his head. Slowly turning around, Alex walked down the street and disappeared around the corner.

 Scott looked over his shoulder hoping that Mitch would come back but, unfortunately there was no sign of him coming home. With shoulders slumped and his head hanging down, Scott trudged back onto the sidewalk. Tripping on the little ledge of the sidewalk, he grabbed onto a tree trunk and steadied himself. Then he headed up their driveway and slowly walked into the house.

 He slammed the front door shut and he leaned against the door. Slowly sinking down to the ground he pulled his knees to his chest and his loud cries filled the tiny hallway, bouncing off the walls and echoing throughout the whole house.

 <Trigger Warning!!....... You've Been Warned.>

 His sobs ceased and he slowly rose from the floor. His mind was screaming at him, *You did this…. All your fault... Die… Kill yourself… slit you wrists, take those pills… You should pay what you did to your soulmate.*

 Absentmindedly walking down the hallway, Scott reached the bathroom. Pulling out a box cutter from the medicine cabinet and Mitch's old anti-depressants and sat them on the sink. Taking a deep breath and with a shaky hand he picked up, slid opened the box cutter and brought it down to his left wrist. Making two cuts on his wrist, he watched as the blood slowly dripped down his hand and fingers, and fell down the drain. Then he made two marks on his other wrist, again watching as the blood fell from his wrists and down the drain. With Bloody hands it took his a couple of tries he finally got the bottle opened.

 Three pills slipped from the bottle and he watch, his heart pounded in his chest as they rolled and went down the drain. Then he threw his head back, and put the whole bottle of pills into his mouth. Swallowing them he let the bottle drop from his hand and it clattered to the floor. Waiting a minute or two his vision blurred and the room started to spin. Then he felt himself drop to the floor a sharp pain shot through his temple as he collapsed on the tiled floor.

 One thought sounded in his head before he blacked out, *I love you Mitch.*

-Mitch's POV-

 Mitch woke up and the images of what had happened this morning hit him hard. He clutched a pillow as he rolled over onto his side and cried softly into the pillow. Hearing his phone vibrate on the other side of the bed, he lifted his head and picked up his phone. The caller ID read: Kirstie <33, after hesitating for a moment he decided to pick up.

 “Kirst, nows not the right time…..”

 “Mitch I don't care what happened, you need to get your ass to the hospital right now.”

 Mitch heard the panic and fear in her voice which made him sit up straighter, “What happened?”

 “Its Scott, he tried to kill himself.”

 Mitch's mouth went dry and his throat constricted as he tried to comprehend the words that cam out of Kirstie's mouth.

 “Mitch…. MITCHELL!!” Kirstie's voice screaming into his ear and he shook his head as he ran his other hand through his hair.

 “O-okay i'm coming.” Mitch's voice was shaky as he tried so hard to hld back the sob that was trying o claw its way to the surface.

 The line went dead and he raced out of the room. He returned the room key and jumped inside his car. Starting the engine, he quickly threw it in drive and sped out of the parking lot, down the road.

 Once at the hospital, he cut the engine, got out of his car and sprinted towards the emergency entrance. Skidding to a stop as he crashed into the emergency room receptionist desk, he asked the woman what room Scott was in. She pointed him in the right direction and he sprinted down the hallway. When he got to the room, the nurses stopped him and told him to wait out in the hallway.

“NO THAT'S MY FIANCEE IN THERE! LET ME IN!” Mitch exclaimed as he tried to push passed the nurses and the couple of doctors that were now swarming the big scene.

 “Sir, stay out…” The nurse was cut off but the sound of Scott's heart machine flatlining.

 Mitch's heart stopped when the sound rang in his ears. His vision went blurry and he started to hyperventilate which made his head spin. Then everything went black.

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