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~I close my eyes and safely just keep dreaming of you~
-Mitch's POV-

"Mitchie." Mitch felt a gentle shove on his shoulder. His eyes fluttered opened and he saw Scott sitting on the edge of his bed, smiling at him.

He propped himself on his elbow and looked at the blonde. His eyebrows came together as he frowned at his friend.

"I thought you were supposed to be at the party." Mitch said, as he sat himself upright, resting his head against the headboard.

Mitch watched as Scott shook his head and moved a little bit closer to him.

"The party was lame, plus it wasn't fun without you there. May I?" Scott took the edge of the comforter in his hand and lifted it slightly.

Mitch scooted over and nodded, "Sure." he smiled as Scott got under the blanket.

"You know I don't bite." Scott chuckled as he held opened his arms.

Mitch hesitated for a moment before he moved into his best friends arms. Scott's arms wrapped around his waist and Mitch snuggled up in his side. He rested his head on the baritone's chest.

He wrapped his arm around Scott's waist and sighed.

"You have no idea how long I wanted this." Mitch murmured into Scott's chest.

 Mitch felt him shift from him as he got a little bit more comfortable. After a few moments of listening to his friends heart beat, Scott finally broke the silence.

"Hey mitch." Mitch looked up and met his best friend's blue eyes which have darkened a little bit, looking like a dark and stormy night.

"Yeah?" Mitch sat up as Scott pulled himself into a sitting position.

"I want to try something." the blonde move closer to him, closing the small gap between them.

Scott put on hand on the side of Mitch's face and he felt the baritone lean in towards him. Mitch felt himself lean in as the space between their faces got thinner and thinner.

It wasn't long before their lips connected, and mitch felt sparks fly. His lifted his arms, wrapping them around Scott's neck and deepened the kiss. After a few moments, Scott pulled away and they looked into each other's eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that." Mitch whispered, as he put his forehead against Scott's and they were both breathing heavily.

Scott layed down and wrapped his arm around Mitch's waist, pulling him closer to his side.

Mitch rested his head in the crook of the blondes neck. He felt Scott making small circles on his arm and Mitch's eyes got heavy.

He felt Scott kiss his forehead and heard him whisper, "I love you, mitch."

Mitch's eyes fluttered opened and he sighed.

*it was all just a dream.* He thought to himself and he turned over and check the time in his phone.

It was already 7 o'clock at night , he slept for only five hours because he fell asleep at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

He groaned as he got out of bed. then he padded down the hallway and went into the kitchen. After raiding the fridge for something to eat and found nothing, he gave up and settled for a sandwich.

After making his sandwich, he went into the living room and sat down on the couch. He took a bite of his sandwich and he flipped through the channels. After the second time of scrolling through the channels, he decided to watch a weird animal documentary on Animal Planet. Only a few minutes into the show, Mitch wasn't really interested in it so he opened his phone and went on instagram.

He took a selfie and posted the picture. Two minutes go by and he already got 100 likes on the photo. then he scrolled through his news feed. he saw pictures of Kirstie and avi at the party , Kevin with some girl at the party and then he saw a picture that made him loose his appetite.

It was a picture of Scott and Alex hugging and the caption read, 'hanging with The greatest guy in my life 😊❤️'

Mitch shut down the app and locked his phone. He felt something drip on his hand and he realized that he was crying. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve, he put his dish with his unfinished dinner on the coffee table and he curled up on the couch. He stared blankly at the television not even knowing what was happening on the show. After at few moments he got up, turned off the tv and went back to his room.

Mitch layed in his bed for what felt like forever because he was wide awake from his long nap that he took earlier. He was listening out for any sign that Scott was home, but there was no noise other than an occasional lonely car passing the house and the sound of tears dripping onto his pillow.

Picking his phone up from the nightstand he check the time, it was 3:00 am.

*He probably went home with Kirstie or one of the guys.* Mitch thought as he out his phone on charge and set it back down on his stand. He snuggled under under the covers.

*But they always brung him home...... Maybe he's running a little he would've texted you if he was running late..... * He was having a mental fight with himself.

Eventually the thoughts got to be too negative and he blocked them out. After waiting about a half an hour, he finally turned over and fell back to sleep.

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