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~Keep Dreaming, dreaming dreaming (Repeat 7xs)~

-Mitch's POV-

 Mitch looked out the window listening to the soft music in the background and watched the houses and cars pass them. Then the car slowed down and Mitch saw that they were pulling into a Starbucks parking lot.

 “You said lunch, not coffee.” Mitch looked at Travis as he parked the car and he watched as Travis turned to  him and smiled.

 “I thought since you and Scott were fighting, that you didn't have your morning coffee. I mean I know how cranky the queen can get if she doesn't have her morning coffee.” Mitch saw a smirk spread across his face, as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car.

 Mitch sat there for a few moments before unbuckling his seatbelt and exiting the car. He walked, phone in hand towards the coffee shop and walked inside. He ordered his usual and sat down across from Travis who was sipping gingerly at his drink, while scrolling through his phone.

  He took a sip of his coffee, checked his phone for like the tenth time since he left the house and still no word from Scott. He sighed and set his phone back onto the table and took another sip of his coffee. Wincing as the hot liquid hit his tongue, he quickly set down the cup and looked around the small coffee shop. He could picture the tall, blue eyes blonde walking through the doors and asking him to come home.

 “So mitch, how are you and Scott doing? I heard through the little Pentaholic grape vine that you two are an item now.” Travis asked, pulling mitch back to reality.

 Mitch blinked and then rolled his eyes at him, “why do you care?”

 “Jesus I was trying to make small talk, give a guy a break.” Travis huffed and took a gulp of his tea.

 Mitch snorted and check his phone again, still no word from scott. He took another sip of his coffee and enjoyed the little warmth it gave his cold body.

 “What was the real reason you wanted to take me out?” Mitch set down his Styrofoam cup and looked at Travis.

 “I've missed you Mitchie.” He said.

 Mitch rolled his eyes and shook his head. Then he noticed that Travis was getting up, so Mitch followed him, grabbing his cup and following his ex out of the coffee shop. They got back into Travis's car and he took Mitch home.

 As Mitch walked towards their front door, Travis took hold of Mitch's arm pulling him towards him. Mitch stumbled down the one step and landed into Travis's arms. He looked up into his brown eyes and the next thing Mitch knew, Travis was kissing him. After a second of Travis's lips on his, he shoved him away from him and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater.

 “What the fuck Travis?!” Mitch snapped at him as he furiously wiped his lips with his sleeve.

 “Goodbye mitch.” Travis had a smirk on his face all the way back to his car. He got in and drove down the street, mitch could still see that he had a smirk on his face.

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